▼Nrclcpp | |
▶Nallocator | |
CAllocatorDeleter | |
▶Ncallback_group | |
CCallbackGroup | |
▶Ncontexts | |
▶Ndefault_context | |
CDefaultContext | |
▶Nexceptions | |
CEventNotRegisteredError | Thrown when an unregistered rclcpp::Event is encountered where a registered one was expected |
CInvalidEventError | Thrown when an invalid rclcpp::Event object or SharedPtr is encountered |
CInvalidNamespaceError | Thrown when a node namespace is invalid |
CInvalidNodeError | Thrown when a method is trying to use a node, but it is invalid |
CInvalidNodeNameError | Thrown when a node name is invalid |
CInvalidParametersException | Thrown if passed parameters are inconsistent or invalid |
CInvalidParameterValueException | Throwing if passed parameter value is invalid |
CInvalidServiceNameError | Thrown when a service name is invalid |
CInvalidTopicNameError | Thrown when a topic name is invalid |
CNameValidationError | Thrown when a any kind of name (node, namespace, topic, etc.) is invalid |
CRCLBadAlloc | Created when the ret is RCL_RET_BAD_ALLOC |
CRCLError | Created when the return code does not match one of the other specialized exceptions |
CRCLErrorBase | |
CRCLInvalidArgument | Created when the ret is RCL_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT |
▶Nexecutor | |
CAnyExecutable | |
CExecutor | Coordinate the order and timing of available communication tasks |
CExecutorArgs | |
▶Nexecutors | |
CMultiThreadedExecutor | |
CSingleThreadedExecutor | Single-threaded executor implementation |
▶Nfunction_traits | |
Carity_comparator | |
Ccheck_arguments | |
Cfunction_traits | |
Cfunction_traits< FunctionT & > | |
Cfunction_traits< FunctionT && > | |
Cfunction_traits< ReturnTypeT(*)(Args ...)> | |
Cfunction_traits< ReturnTypeT(Args ...)> | |
Cfunction_traits< ReturnTypeT(ClassT::*)(Args ...) const > | |
Csame_arguments | |
Ctuple_tail | |
Ctuple_tail< std::tuple< Head, Tail ... > > | |
▶Ngraph_listener | |
CGraphListener | Notifies many nodes of graph changes by listening in a thread |
CGraphListenerShutdownError | Thrown when a function is called on a GraphListener that is already shutdown |
CNodeAlreadyAddedError | Thrown when a node has already been added to the GraphListener |
CNodeNotFoundError | Thrown when the given node is not in the GraphListener |
▶Nintra_process_manager | |
CIntraProcessManager | This class facilitates intra process communication between nodes |
CIntraProcessManagerImpl | |
CIntraProcessManagerImplBase | |
▶Nmapped_ring_buffer | |
CMappedRingBuffer | Ring buffer container of unique_ptr's of T, which can be accessed by a key |
CMappedRingBufferBase | |
▶Nmemory_strategies | |
▶Nallocator_memory_strategy | |
CAllocatorMemoryStrategy | Delegate for handling memory allocations while the Executor is executing |
▶Nmemory_strategy | |
CMemoryStrategy | Delegate for handling memory allocations while the Executor is executing |
▶Nmessage_memory_strategy | |
CMessageMemoryStrategy | Default allocation strategy for messages received by subscriptions |
▶Nnode_interfaces | |
CNodeBase | Implementation of the NodeBase part of the Node API |
CNodeBaseInterface | Pure virtual interface class for the NodeBase part of the Node API |
CNodeClock | Implementation of the NodeClock part of the Node API |
CNodeClockInterface | Pure virtual interface class for the NodeClock part of the Node API |
CNodeGraph | Implementation the NodeGraph part of the Node API |
CNodeGraphInterface | Pure virtual interface class for the NodeGraph part of the Node API |
CNodeLogging | Implementation of the NodeLogging part of the Node API |
CNodeLoggingInterface | Pure virtual interface class for the NodeLogging part of the Node API |
CNodeParameters | Implementation of the NodeParameters part of the Node API |
CNodeParametersInterface | Pure virtual interface class for the NodeParameters part of the Node API |
CNodeServices | Implementation of the NodeServices part of the Node API |
CNodeServicesInterface | Pure virtual interface class for the NodeServices part of the Node API |
CNodeTimers | Implementation of the NodeTimers part of the Node API |
CNodeTimersInterface | Pure virtual interface class for the NodeTimers part of the Node API |
CNodeTopics | Implementation of the NodeTopics part of the Node API |
CNodeTopicsInterface | Pure virtual interface class for the NodeTopics part of the Node API |
▶Nstrategies | |
▶Nmessage_pool_memory_strategy | |
▶CMessagePoolMemoryStrategy | Completely static memory allocation strategy for messages |
CPoolMember | |
▶Nsubscription_traits | |
Cextract_message_type | |
Cextract_message_type< std::shared_ptr< MessageT > > | |
Cextract_message_type< std::unique_ptr< MessageT, Deleter > > | |
Chas_message_type | |
Cis_serialized_callback | |
Cis_serialized_subscription | |
Cis_serialized_subscription_argument | |
Cis_serialized_subscription_argument< rcl_serialized_message_t > | |
Cis_serialized_subscription_argument< std::shared_ptr< rcl_serialized_message_t > > | |
CAnyServiceCallback | |
CAnySubscriptionCallback | |
CAsyncParametersClient | |
CClient | |
CClientBase | |
CClock | |
CContext | |
CDuration | |
CEvent | |
CGenericRate | |
CGenericTimer | Generic timer templated on the clock type. Periodically executes a user-specified callback |
CJumpHandler | |
CJumpThreshold | A class to store a threshold for a TimeJump |
CLogger | |
CNode | Node is the single point of entry for creating publishers and subscribers |
CParameter | Structure to store an arbitrary parameter with templated get/set methods |
CParameterEventsFilter | |
CParameterService | |
CParameterTypeException | Indicate the parameter type does not match the expected type |
CParameterValue | Store the type and value of a parameter |
CPublisher | A publisher publishes messages of any type to a topic |
CPublisherBase | |
CPublisherFactory | Factory with functions used to create a MessageT specific PublisherT |
CRateBase | |
CScopeExit | |
CService | |
CServiceBase | |
CSubscription | Subscription implementation, templated on the type of message this subscription receives |
CSubscriptionBase | |
CSubscriptionFactory | Factory with functions used to create a Subscription<MessageT> |
CSyncParametersClient | |
CTime | |
CTimeJump | A struct to represent a timejump |
CTimerBase | |
CTimeSource | |