rclcpp  master
C++ ROS Client Library API
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NrclcppThis header provides the get_node_base_interface() template function
 CContextContext which encapsulates shared state between nodes and other similar entities
 CContextAlreadyInitializedThrown when init is called on an already initialized context
 CExecutorCoordinate the order and timing of available communication tasks
 CExecutorOptionsOptions to be passed to the executor constructor
 CGenericTimerGeneric timer. Periodically executes a user-specified callback
 CGuardConditionA condition that can be waited on in a single wait set and asynchronously triggered
 CInitOptionsEncapsulation of options for initializing rclcpp
 CKeepAllUse to initialize the QoS with the keep_all history setting
 CKeepLastUse to initialize the QoS with the keep_last history setting and the given depth
 CMessageInfoAdditional meta data about messages taken from subscriptions
 CNodeNode is the single point of entry for creating publishers and subscribers
 CNodeOptionsEncapsulation of options for node initialization
 CParameterStructure to store an arbitrary parameter with templated get/set methods
 CParameterTypeExceptionIndicate the parameter type does not match the expected type
 CParameterValueStore the type and value of a parameter
 CPublisherA publisher publishes messages of any type to a topic
 CPublisherEventCallbacksContains callbacks for various types of events a Publisher can receive from the middleware
 CPublisherFactoryFactory with functions used to create a MessageT specific PublisherT
 CPublisherOptionsBaseNon-templated part of PublisherOptionsWithAllocator<Allocator>
 CPublisherOptionsWithAllocatorStructure containing optional configuration for Publishers
 CQoSEncapsulation of Quality of Service settings
 CQoSInitializationQoS initialization values, cannot be created directly, use KeepAll or KeepLast instead
 CSerializationDefault implementation to (de)serialize a message by using rmw_(de)serialize
 CSerializationBaseInterface to (de)serialize a message
 CSerializedMessageObject oriented version of rcl_serialized_message_t with destructor to avoid memory leaks
 CSubscriptionSubscription implementation, templated on the type of message this subscription receives
 CSubscriptionEventCallbacksContains callbacks for non-message events that a Subscription can receive from the middleware
 CSubscriptionFactoryFactory containing a function used to create a Subscription<MessageT>
 CSubscriptionOptionsBaseNon-template base class for subscription options
 CSubscriptionOptionsWithAllocatorStructure containing optional configuration for Subscriptions
 CSubscriptionWaitSetMaskOptions used to determine what parts of a subscription get added to or removed from a wait set
 CWaitResultInterface for introspecting a wait set after waiting on it
 CWaitSetTemplateEncapsulates sets of waitable items which can be waited on as a group