C API providing a middleware abstraction layer which is used to implement the rest of ROS.
Go to the documentation of this file.
94 #include "rosidl_runtime_c/message_type_support_struct.h"
95 #include "rosidl_runtime_c/service_type_support_struct.h"
96 #include "rosidl_runtime_c/sequence_bound.h"
180 const char * namespace_,
182 bool localhost_only);
205 "rmw_node_assert_liveliness implementation was removed."
206 " If manual liveliness assertion is needed, use MANUAL_BY_TOPIC.")
208 rmw_node_assert_liveliness(const
rmw_node_t * node);
263 const rosidl_message_type_support_t * type_support,
264 const rosidl_runtime_c__Sequence__bound * message_bounds,
302 const rosidl_message_type_support_t * type_support,
303 const
char * topic_name,
336 const rosidl_message_type_support_t * type_support,
337 void ** ros_message);
357 void * loaned_message);
375 const
void * ros_message,
421 size_t * subscription_count);
486 const rosidl_message_type_support_t * type_support,
487 const rosidl_runtime_c__Sequence__bound * message_bounds,
531 const
void * ros_message,
532 const rosidl_message_type_support_t * type_support,
556 const rosidl_message_type_support_t * type_support,
580 const rosidl_message_type_support_t * type_support,
581 const rosidl_runtime_c__Sequence__bound * message_bounds,
613 const rosidl_message_type_support_t * type_support,
614 const
char * topic_name,
639 size_t * publisher_count);
817 void ** loaned_message,
842 void ** loaned_message,
863 void * loaned_message);
878 const rosidl_service_type_support_t * type_support,
879 const
char * service_name,
905 const
void * ros_request,
906 int64_t * sequence_id);
938 const rosidl_service_type_support_t * type_support,
939 const
char * service_name,
983 void * ros_response);
1179 const
char * topic_name,
1194 const
char * topic_name,
1253 bool * is_available);
1269 #endif // RMW__RMW_H_
Array of guard condition handles.
Definition: types.h:289
rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_node(rmw_node_t *node)
Finalize a given node handle, reclaim the resources, and deallocate the node handle.
Structure which encapsulates an rmw node.
Definition: types.h:42
rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_subscription(rmw_node_t *node, rmw_subscription_t *subscription)
rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_wait_set(rmw_wait_set_t *wait_set)
Destroy and free memory of this wait_set.
rmw_service_t * rmw_create_service(const rmw_node_t *node, const rosidl_service_type_support_t *type_support, const char *service_name, const rmw_qos_profile_t *qos_policies)
Create an rmw service server that responds to requests.
const rmw_guard_condition_t * rmw_node_get_graph_guard_condition(const rmw_node_t *node)
Return a guard condition which is triggered when the ROS graph changes.
rmw_ret_t rmw_take_request(const rmw_service_t *service, rmw_service_info_t *request_header, void *ros_request, bool *taken)
Attempt to take a request from this service's request buffer.
rmw_ret_t rmw_get_serialized_message_size(const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, const rosidl_runtime_c__Sequence__bound *message_bounds, size_t *size)
Compute the size of a serialized message.
#define RMW_PUBLIC
Definition: visibility_control.h:48
rmw_ret_t rmw_take_loaned_message_with_info(const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, void **loaned_message, bool *taken, rmw_message_info_t *message_info, rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
Take a loaned message and with its additional message information.
A handle to an rmw service.
Definition: types.h:171
rmw_ret_t rmw_borrow_loaned_message(const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, void **ros_message)
Borrow a loaned message.
RCUTILS_DEPRECATED_WITH_MSG("rmw_node_assert_liveliness implementation was removed." " If manual liveliness assertion is needed, use MANUAL_BY_TOPIC.") rmw_ret_t rmw_node_assert_liveliness(const rmw_node_t *node)
rmw_ret_t rmw_subscription_get_actual_qos(const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, rmw_qos_profile_t *qos)
Retrieve the actual qos settings of the subscription.
rmw_ret_t rmw_send_response(const rmw_service_t *service, rmw_request_id_t *request_header, void *ros_response)
Send response to a client's request.
rmw_ret_t rmw_publish_loaned_message(const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, void *ros_message, rmw_publisher_allocation_t *allocation)
Publish a loaned ros_message.
rmw_guard_condition_t * rmw_create_guard_condition(rmw_context_t *context)
Create a guard condition and return a handle to that guard condition.
Information describing an rmw message.
Definition: types.h:478
Struct representing a time point for rmw.
Definition: types.h:321
rmw_ret_t rmw_publisher_count_matched_subscriptions(const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, size_t *subscription_count)
Retrieve the number of matched subscriptions to a publisher.
enum RMW_PUBLIC_TYPE rmw_log_severity_t
Type mapping of rcutils log severity types to rmw specific types.
Allocation of memory for an rmw subscription.
Definition: types.h:220
rmw_ret_t rmw_publisher_assert_liveliness(const rmw_publisher_t *publisher)
Manually assert that this Publisher is alive (for RMW_QOS_POLICY_LIVELINESS_MANUAL_BY_TOPIC)
rmw_ret_t rmw_fini_publisher_allocation(rmw_publisher_allocation_t *allocation)
Destroy a publisher allocation object.
rmw_ret_t rmw_init_publisher_allocation(const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, const rosidl_runtime_c__Sequence__bound *message_bounds, rmw_publisher_allocation_t *allocation)
Initialize a publisher allocation to be used with later publications.
Handle for an rmw guard condition.
Definition: types.h:197
rmw_subscription_t * rmw_create_subscription(const rmw_node_t *node, const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, const char *topic_name, const rmw_qos_profile_t *qos_policies, const rmw_subscription_options_t *subscription_options)
Create and return an rmw subscription.
Structure to hold a sequence of message infos.
Definition: message_sequence.h:43
rmw_ret_t rmw_count_publishers(const rmw_node_t *node, const char *topic_name, size_t *count)
Count the number of publishers matching a topic name.
rmw_publisher_t * rmw_create_publisher(const rmw_node_t *node, const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, const char *topic_name, const rmw_qos_profile_t *qos_policies, const rmw_publisher_options_t *publisher_options)
Create and return an rmw publisher.
Options that can be used to configure the creation of a publisher in rmw.
Definition: types.h:74
Container for guard conditions to be waited on.
Definition: types.h:298
rmw_ret_t rmw_take(const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, void *ros_message, bool *taken, rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
Take an incoming message from a subscription.
rmw_client_t * rmw_create_client(const rmw_node_t *node, const rosidl_service_type_support_t *type_support, const char *service_name, const rmw_qos_profile_t *qos_policies)
Create an rmw client to communicate with the specified service.
rmw_ret_t rmw_take_with_info(const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, void *ros_message, bool *taken, rmw_message_info_t *message_info, rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
Take an incoming message from a subscription with additional metadata.
const char * rmw_get_implementation_identifier(void)
Get the name of the rmw implementation being used.
Indicate that a variable is not used, and prevent compiler from issuing warnings.
Definition: macros.h:24
Meta-data for a service-related take.
Definition: types.h:333
Initialization context structure which is used to store init specific information.
Definition: init.h:37
rmw_ret_t rmw_serialize(const void *ros_message, const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, rmw_serialized_message_t *serialized_message)
Serialize a ROS message into a rmw_serialized_message_t.
rmw_ret_t rmw_take_serialized_message(const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, rmw_serialized_message_t *serialized_message, bool *taken, rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
Take a message without deserializing it.
A handle to an rmw service client.
Definition: types.h:184
Allocation of memory for an rmw publisher.
Definition: types.h:210
rmw_ret_t rmw_take_response(const rmw_client_t *client, rmw_service_info_t *request_header, void *ros_response, bool *taken)
Attempt to get the response from a service request.
rmw_ret_t rmw_service_server_is_available(const rmw_node_t *node, const rmw_client_t *client, bool *is_available)
Check if a service server is available for the given service client.
rmw_ret_t rmw_trigger_guard_condition(const rmw_guard_condition_t *guard_condition)
rmw_ret_t rmw_publish(const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, const void *ros_message, rmw_publisher_allocation_t *allocation)
Publish a given ros_message.
rmw_ret_t rmw_subscription_count_matched_publishers(const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, size_t *publisher_count)
Retrieve the number of matched publishers to a subscription.
rmw_ret_t rmw_return_loaned_message_from_publisher(const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, void *loaned_message)
Return a loaned message previously borrow from a publisher.
rmw_ret_t rmw_compare_gids_equal(const rmw_gid_t *gid1, const rmw_gid_t *gid2, bool *result)
Check if two gid objects are the same.
rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_guard_condition(rmw_guard_condition_t *guard_condition)
Finalize a given guard condition handle, reclaim the resources, and deallocate the handle.
const char * rmw_get_serialization_format(void)
Get the unique serialization format for this middleware.
rmw_ret_t rmw_publisher_get_actual_qos(const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, rmw_qos_profile_t *qos)
Retrieve the actual qos settings of the publisher.
Structure which encapsulates an rmw publisher.
Definition: types.h:90
An rmw service request identifier.
Definition: types.h:311
rmw_ret_t rmw_init_subscription_allocation(const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, const rosidl_runtime_c__Sequence__bound *message_bounds, rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
Initialize a subscription allocation to be used with later takes.
int32_t rmw_ret_t
Return code for rmw functions.
Definition: ret_types.h:26
Structure to hold a sequence of ROS messages.
Definition: message_sequence.h:30
rmw_ret_t rmw_return_loaned_message_from_subscription(const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, void *loaned_message)
Return a loaned message previously taken from a subscription.
rmw_ret_t rmw_send_request(const rmw_client_t *client, const void *ros_request, int64_t *sequence_id)
Send a service request to the rmw server.
Array of service handles.
Definition: types.h:251
Options that can be used to configure the creation of a subscription in rmw.
Definition: types.h:117
ROS graph ID of the topic.
Definition: types.h:468
rmw_ret_t rmw_count_subscribers(const rmw_node_t *node, const char *topic_name, size_t *count)
Count the number of subscribers matching a topic name.
rmw_ret_t rmw_get_node_names_with_enclaves(const rmw_node_t *node, rcutils_string_array_t *node_names, rcutils_string_array_t *node_namespaces, rcutils_string_array_t *enclaves)
Return a list of node name and namespaces discovered via a node with its enclave.
rmw_wait_set_t * rmw_create_wait_set(rmw_context_t *context, size_t max_conditions)
Create a wait set to store conditions that the middleware will block on.
rmw_ret_t rmw_wait(rmw_subscriptions_t *subscriptions, rmw_guard_conditions_t *guard_conditions, rmw_services_t *services, rmw_clients_t *clients, rmw_events_t *events, rmw_wait_set_t *wait_set, const rmw_time_t *wait_timeout)
Waits on sets of different waitable entities and returns when one is ready.
rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_publisher(rmw_node_t *node, rmw_publisher_t *publisher)
rmw_ret_t rmw_publish_serialized_message(const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, const rmw_serialized_message_t *serialized_message, rmw_publisher_allocation_t *allocation)
Publish an already serialized message.
rmw_ret_t rmw_get_node_names(const rmw_node_t *node, rcutils_string_array_t *node_names, rcutils_string_array_t *node_namespaces)
Return a list of node name and namespaces discovered via a node.
Array of subscriber handles.
Definition: types.h:236
rmw_publisher_options_t rmw_get_default_publisher_options(void)
Return a rmw_publisher_options_t initialized with default values.
ROS MiddleWare quality of service profile.
Definition: types.h:436
rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_client(rmw_node_t *node, rmw_client_t *client)
Destroy and unregister a service client.
rmw_ret_t rmw_deserialize(const rmw_serialized_message_t *serialized_message, const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, void *ros_message)
Deserialize a ROS message.
rmw_node_t * rmw_create_node(rmw_context_t *context, const char *name, const char *namespace_, size_t domain_id, bool localhost_only)
Create a node and return a handle to that node.
rmw_ret_t rmw_take_loaned_message(const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, void **loaned_message, bool *taken, rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
Take a loaned message.
rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_service(rmw_node_t *node, rmw_service_t *service)
Destroy and unregister the service from this node.
rmw_ret_t rmw_take_serialized_message_with_info(const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, rmw_serialized_message_t *serialized_message, bool *taken, rmw_message_info_t *message_info, rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
Take a message without deserializing it and with its additional message information.
rmw_ret_t rmw_take_sequence(const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, size_t count, rmw_message_sequence_t *message_sequence, rmw_message_info_sequence_t *message_info_sequence, size_t *taken, rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
Take multiple incoming messages from a subscription with additional metadata.
Array of client handles.
Definition: types.h:266
rmw_ret_t rmw_get_gid_for_publisher(const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, rmw_gid_t *gid)
Get the unique identifier of the publisher.
rmw_ret_t rmw_set_log_severity(rmw_log_severity_t severity)
Set the current log severity.
rmw_ret_t rmw_fini_subscription_allocation(rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
Destroy a publisher allocation object.