const char * | rmw_get_implementation_identifier (void) |
const char * | rmw_get_serialization_format (void) |
| Get the unique serialization format for this middleware. More...
rmw_node_t * | rmw_create_node (rmw_context_t *context, const char *name, const char *namespace_, size_t domain_id, const rmw_node_security_options_t *security_options) |
| Create a node and return a handle to that node. More...
rmw_ret_t | rmw_destroy_node (rmw_node_t *node) |
| Finalize a given node handle, reclaim the resources, and deallocate the node handle. More...
const rmw_guard_condition_t * | rmw_node_get_graph_guard_condition (const rmw_node_t *node) |
| Return a guard condition which is triggered when the ROS graph changes. More...
rmw_publisher_t * | rmw_create_publisher (const rmw_node_t *node, const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, const char *topic_name, const rmw_qos_profile_t *qos_policies) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_destroy_publisher (rmw_node_t *node, rmw_publisher_t *publisher) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_publish (const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, const void *ros_message) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_publisher_count_matched_subscriptions (const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, size_t *subscription_count) |
| Retrieve the number of matched subscriptions to a publisher. More...
rmw_ret_t | rmw_publish_serialized_message (const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, const rmw_serialized_message_t *serialized_message) |
| Publish an already serialized message. More...
rmw_ret_t | rmw_serialize (const void *ros_message, const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, rmw_serialized_message_t *serialized_message) |
| Serialize a ROS message into a rmw_serialized_message_t. More...
rmw_ret_t | rmw_deserialize (const rmw_serialized_message_t *serialized_message, const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, void *ros_message) |
| Deserialize a ROS message. More...
rmw_subscription_t * | rmw_create_subscription (const rmw_node_t *node, const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, const char *topic_name, const rmw_qos_profile_t *qos_policies, bool ignore_local_publications) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_destroy_subscription (rmw_node_t *node, rmw_subscription_t *subscription) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_subscription_count_matched_publishers (const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, size_t *publisher_count) |
| Retrieve the number of matched publishers to a subscription. More...
rmw_ret_t | rmw_take (const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, void *ros_message, bool *taken) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_take_with_info (const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, void *ros_message, bool *taken, rmw_message_info_t *message_info) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_take_serialized_message (const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, rmw_serialized_message_t *serialized_message, bool *taken) |
| Take a message without deserializing it. More...
rmw_ret_t | rmw_take_serialized_message_with_info (const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, rmw_serialized_message_t *serialized_message, bool *taken, rmw_message_info_t *message_info) |
| Take a message without deserializing it and with its additional message information. More...
rmw_client_t * | rmw_create_client (const rmw_node_t *node, const rosidl_service_type_support_t *type_support, const char *service_name, const rmw_qos_profile_t *qos_policies) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_destroy_client (rmw_node_t *node, rmw_client_t *client) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_send_request (const rmw_client_t *client, const void *ros_request, int64_t *sequence_id) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_take_response (const rmw_client_t *client, rmw_request_id_t *request_header, void *ros_response, bool *taken) |
rmw_service_t * | rmw_create_service (const rmw_node_t *node, const rosidl_service_type_support_t *type_support, const char *service_name, const rmw_qos_profile_t *qos_policies) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_destroy_service (rmw_node_t *node, rmw_service_t *service) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_take_request (const rmw_service_t *service, rmw_request_id_t *request_header, void *ros_request, bool *taken) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_send_response (const rmw_service_t *service, rmw_request_id_t *request_header, void *ros_response) |
rmw_guard_condition_t * | rmw_create_guard_condition (rmw_context_t *context) |
| Create a guard condition and return a handle to that guard condition. More...
rmw_ret_t | rmw_destroy_guard_condition (rmw_guard_condition_t *guard_condition) |
| Finalize a given guard condition handle, reclaim the resources, and deallocate the handle. More...
rmw_ret_t | rmw_trigger_guard_condition (const rmw_guard_condition_t *guard_condition) |
rmw_wait_set_t * | rmw_create_wait_set (size_t max_conditions) |
| Create a wait set to store conditions that the middleware will block on. More...
rmw_ret_t | rmw_destroy_wait_set (rmw_wait_set_t *wait_set) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_wait (rmw_subscriptions_t *subscriptions, rmw_guard_conditions_t *guard_conditions, rmw_services_t *services, rmw_clients_t *clients, rmw_wait_set_t *wait_set, const rmw_time_t *wait_timeout) |
| Waits on sets of different waitable entities and returns when one is ready. More...
rmw_ret_t | rmw_get_node_names (const rmw_node_t *node, rcutils_string_array_t *node_names, rcutils_string_array_t *node_namespaces) |
| Return a list of node name and namespaces discovered via a node. More...
rmw_ret_t | rmw_count_publishers (const rmw_node_t *node, const char *topic_name, size_t *count) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_count_subscribers (const rmw_node_t *node, const char *topic_name, size_t *count) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_get_gid_for_publisher (const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, rmw_gid_t *gid) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_compare_gids_equal (const rmw_gid_t *gid1, const rmw_gid_t *gid2, bool *result) |
rmw_ret_t | rmw_service_server_is_available (const rmw_node_t *node, const rmw_client_t *client, bool *is_available) |
| Check if a service server is available for the given service client. More...
rmw_ret_t | rmw_set_log_severity (rmw_log_severity_t severity) |
Create a node and return a handle to that node.
This function can fail, and therefore return NULL
, if:
- context, name, namespace_, or security_options is
- context, security_options is invalid
- memory allocation fails during node creation
- an unspecified error occurs
The context must be non-null and valid, i.e. it has been initialized by rmw_init()
and has not been finalized by rmw_shutdown()
The name and namespace_ should be valid node name and namespace, and this should be asserted by the caller (e.g. rcl
The domain ID should be used to physically separate nodes at the communication graph level by the middleware. For RTPS/DDS this maps naturally to their concept of domain id.
The security options should always be non-null and encapsulate the essential security configurations for the node and its entities.
Attribute | Adherence |
Allocates Memory | Yes |
Thread-Safe | No |
Uses Atomics | No [1] |
Lock-Free | No [1] |
[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation
This should be defined by the rmw implementation.
- Parameters
[in] | context | init context that this node should be associated with |
[in] | name | the node name |
[in] | namespace_ | the node namespace |
[in] | domain_id | the id of the domain that the node should join |
[in] | security_options | the security configurations for the node |
- Returns
- rmw node handle or
if there was an error
Return a guard condition which is triggered when the ROS graph changes.
The handle returned is a pointer to an internally held rmw guard condition. This function can fail, and therefore return NULL
, if:
- node is
- node is invalid
The returned handle is made invalid if the node is destroyed or if rmw_shutdown() is called.
The guard condition will be triggered anytime a change to the ROS graph occurs. A ROS graph change includes things like (but not limited to) a new publisher advertises, a new subscription is created, a new service becomes available, a subscription is canceled, etc.
Attribute | Adherence |
Allocates Memory | No |
Thread-Safe | Yes |
Uses Atomics | No |
Lock-Free | Yes |
- Parameters
[in] | node | pointer to the rmw node |
- Returns
- rmw guard condition handle if successful, otherwise
Waits on sets of different waitable entities and returns when one is ready.
Add conditions to the wait set and wait until a response comes in, or until the timeout is reached. The arrays contain type-erased representations of waitable entities. This function casts the pointers to middleware-specific conditions and adds them to the wait set.
The count variables in the arrays represents the number of valid pointers in the array. NULL
pointers are in the array considered invalid. If they are encountered, an error is returned.
The array structs are allocated and deallocated outside of this function. They do not have any information about how much memory is allocated for the arrays.
After the wait wakes up, the entries in each array that correspond to conditions that were not triggered are set to NULL
- Parameters
subscriptions | Array of subscriptions to wait on |
guard_conditions | Array of guard conditions to wait on |
services | Array of services to wait on |
clients | Array of clients to wait on |
wait_set | Storage for the wait set |
wait_timeout | If NULL, block until a condition is ready. If zero, check only for immediately available conditions and don't block. Else, this represents the maximum time to wait for a response from the wait set. |
- Returns
if success, or
if error, or
if wait timed out.
Return a list of node name and namespaces discovered via a node.
This function will return a list of node names and a list of node namespaces that are discovered via the middleware. The two lists represent pairs of namespace and name for each discovered node. The lists will be the same length and the same position will refer to the same node across lists.
The node parameter must not be NULL
, and must point to a valid node.
The node_names parameter must not be NULL
, and must point to a valid string array.
The node_namespaces parameter must not be NULL
, and must point to a valid string array.
This function does manipulate heap memory. This function is not thread-safe. This function is lock-free.
- Parameters
[in] | node | the handle to the node being used to query the ROS graph |
[out] | node_names | a list of discovered node names |
[out] | node_namespaces | a list of discovered node namespaces |
- Returns
if node the query was made successfully, or
if an unspecified error occurs.
Check if a service server is available for the given service client.
This function will return true for is_available
if there is a service server available for the given client.
The node parameter must not be NULL
, and must point to a valid node.
The client parameter must not be NULL
, and must point to a valid client.
The given client and node must match, i.e. the client must have been created using the given node.
The is_available parameter must not be NULL
, and must point to a bool variable. The result of the check will be stored in the is_available parameter.
This function does manipulate heap memory. This function is not thread-safe. This function is lock-free.
- Parameters
[in] | node | the handle to the node being used to query the ROS graph |
[in] | client | the handle to the service client being queried |
[out] | is_available | set to true if there is a service server available, else false |
- Returns
if node the check was made successfully, or
if an unspecified error occurs.