| ServicesQoS (const QoSInitialization &qos_initialization=(QoSInitialization::from_rmw(rmw_qos_profile_services_default))) |
| QoS (const QoSInitialization &qos_initialization, const rmw_qos_profile_t &initial_profile=rmw_qos_profile_default) |
| Constructor which allows you to construct a QoS by giving the only required settings. More...
| QoS (size_t history_depth) |
| Conversion constructor to ease construction in the common case of just specifying depth. More...
rmw_qos_profile_t & | get_rmw_qos_profile () |
| Return the rmw qos profile. More...
const rmw_qos_profile_t & | get_rmw_qos_profile () const |
| Return the rmw qos profile. More...
QoS & | history (rmw_qos_history_policy_t history) |
| Set the history policy. More...
QoS & | keep_last (size_t depth) |
| Set the history to keep last. More...
QoS & | keep_all () |
| Set the history to keep all. More...
QoS & | reliability (rmw_qos_reliability_policy_t reliability) |
| Set the reliability setting. More...
QoS & | reliable () |
| Set the reliability setting to reliable. More...
QoS & | best_effort () |
| Set the reliability setting to best effort. More...
QoS & | durability (rmw_qos_durability_policy_t durability) |
| Set the durability setting. More...
QoS & | durability_volatile () |
| Set the durability setting to volatile. More...
QoS & | transient_local () |
| Set the durability setting to transient local. More...
QoS & | deadline (rmw_time_t deadline) |
| Set the deadline setting. More...
QoS & | deadline (const rclcpp::Duration &deadline) |
| Set the deadline setting, rclcpp::Duration. More...
QoS & | lifespan (rmw_time_t lifespan) |
| Set the lifespan setting. More...
QoS & | lifespan (const rclcpp::Duration &lifespan) |
| Set the lifespan setting, rclcpp::Duration. More...
QoS & | liveliness (rmw_qos_liveliness_policy_t liveliness) |
| Set the liveliness setting. More...
QoS & | liveliness_lease_duration (rmw_time_t liveliness_lease_duration) |
| Set the liveliness_lease_duration setting. More...
QoS & | liveliness_lease_duration (const rclcpp::Duration &liveliness_lease_duration) |
| Set the liveliness_lease_duration setting, rclcpp::Duration. More...
QoS & | avoid_ros_namespace_conventions (bool avoid_ros_namespace_conventions) |
| Set the avoid_ros_namespace_conventions setting. More...