rmw  master
C API providing a middleware abstraction layer which is used to implement the rest of ROS.
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rmw.h File Reference
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "rcutils/macros.h"
#include "rcutils/types.h"
#include "rosidl_runtime_c/message_type_support_struct.h"
#include "rosidl_runtime_c/service_type_support_struct.h"
#include "rosidl_runtime_c/sequence_bound.h"
#include "rmw/init.h"
#include "rmw/macros.h"
#include "rmw/qos_profiles.h"
#include "rmw/subscription_options.h"
#include "rmw/message_sequence.h"
#include "rmw/types.h"
#include "rmw/visibility_control.h"
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const char * rmw_get_implementation_identifier (void)
 Get the name of the rmw implementation being used. More...
const char * rmw_get_serialization_format (void)
 Get the unique serialization format for this middleware. More...
rmw_node_trmw_create_node (rmw_context_t *context, const char *name, const char *namespace_)
 Create a node and return a handle to that node. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_node (rmw_node_t *node)
 Finalize a given node handle, reclaim the resources, and deallocate the node handle. More...
 RCUTILS_DEPRECATED_WITH_MSG ("rmw_node_assert_liveliness implementation was removed." " If manual liveliness assertion is needed, use MANUAL_BY_TOPIC.") rmw_ret_t rmw_node_assert_liveliness(const rmw_node_t *node)
const rmw_guard_condition_trmw_node_get_graph_guard_condition (const rmw_node_t *node)
 Return a guard condition which is triggered when the ROS graph changes. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_init_publisher_allocation (const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, const rosidl_runtime_c__Sequence__bound *message_bounds, rmw_publisher_allocation_t *allocation)
 Initialize a publisher allocation to be used with later publications. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_fini_publisher_allocation (rmw_publisher_allocation_t *allocation)
 Destroy a publisher allocation object. More...
rmw_publisher_options_t rmw_get_default_publisher_options (void)
 Return a rmw_publisher_options_t initialized with default values. More...
rmw_publisher_trmw_create_publisher (const rmw_node_t *node, const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, const char *topic_name, const rmw_qos_profile_t *qos_profile, const rmw_publisher_options_t *publisher_options)
 Create a publisher and return a handle to that publisher. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_publisher (rmw_node_t *node, rmw_publisher_t *publisher)
 Finalize a given publisher handle, reclaim the resources, and deallocate the publisher handle. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_borrow_loaned_message (const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, void **ros_message)
 Borrow a loaned ROS message. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_return_loaned_message_from_publisher (const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, void *loaned_message)
 Return a loaned message previously borrowed from a publisher. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_publish (const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, const void *ros_message, rmw_publisher_allocation_t *allocation)
 Publish a ROS message. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_publish_loaned_message (const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, void *ros_message, rmw_publisher_allocation_t *allocation)
 Publish a loaned ROS message. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_publisher_count_matched_subscriptions (const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, size_t *subscription_count)
 Retrieve the number of matched subscriptions to a publisher. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_publisher_get_actual_qos (const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, rmw_qos_profile_t *qos)
 Retrieve the actual qos settings of the publisher. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_publish_serialized_message (const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, const rmw_serialized_message_t *serialized_message, rmw_publisher_allocation_t *allocation)
 Publish a ROS message as a byte stream. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_get_serialized_message_size (const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, const rosidl_runtime_c__Sequence__bound *message_bounds, size_t *size)
 Compute the size of a serialized message. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_publisher_assert_liveliness (const rmw_publisher_t *publisher)
 Manually assert that this Publisher is alive (for RMW_QOS_POLICY_LIVELINESS_MANUAL_BY_TOPIC) More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_serialize (const void *ros_message, const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, rmw_serialized_message_t *serialized_message)
 Serialize a ROS message into a rmw_serialized_message_t. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_deserialize (const rmw_serialized_message_t *serialized_message, const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, void *ros_message)
 Deserialize a ROS message. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_init_subscription_allocation (const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, const rosidl_runtime_c__Sequence__bound *message_bounds, rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
 Initialize a subscription allocation to be used with later takes. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_fini_subscription_allocation (rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
 Destroy a publisher allocation object. More...
rmw_subscription_trmw_create_subscription (const rmw_node_t *node, const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, const char *topic_name, const rmw_qos_profile_t *qos_policies, const rmw_subscription_options_t *subscription_options)
 Create a subscription and return a handle to that subscription. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_subscription (rmw_node_t *node, rmw_subscription_t *subscription)
rmw_ret_t rmw_subscription_count_matched_publishers (const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, size_t *publisher_count)
 Retrieve the number of matched publishers to a subscription. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_subscription_get_actual_qos (const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, rmw_qos_profile_t *qos)
 Retrieve the actual qos settings of the subscription. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_take (const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, void *ros_message, bool *taken, rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
 Take an incoming ROS message. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_take_with_info (const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, void *ros_message, bool *taken, rmw_message_info_t *message_info, rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
 Take an incoming ROS message with its metadata. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_take_sequence (const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, size_t count, rmw_message_sequence_t *message_sequence, rmw_message_info_sequence_t *message_info_sequence, size_t *taken, rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
 Take multiple incoming ROS messages with their metadata. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_take_serialized_message (const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, rmw_serialized_message_t *serialized_message, bool *taken, rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
 Take an incoming ROS message as a byte stream. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_take_serialized_message_with_info (const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, rmw_serialized_message_t *serialized_message, bool *taken, rmw_message_info_t *message_info, rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
 Take an incoming ROS message as a byte stream with its metadata. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_take_loaned_message (const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, void **loaned_message, bool *taken, rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
 Take an incoming ROS message, loaned by the middleware. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_take_loaned_message_with_info (const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, void **loaned_message, bool *taken, rmw_message_info_t *message_info, rmw_subscription_allocation_t *allocation)
 Take a loaned message and with its additional message information. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_return_loaned_message_from_subscription (const rmw_subscription_t *subscription, void *loaned_message)
 Return a loaned ROS message previously taken from a subscription. More...
rmw_client_trmw_create_client (const rmw_node_t *node, const rosidl_service_type_support_t *type_support, const char *service_name, const rmw_qos_profile_t *qos_policies)
 Create a service client that can send requests to and receive replies from a service server. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_client (rmw_node_t *node, rmw_client_t *client)
 Destroy and unregister a service client from its node. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_send_request (const rmw_client_t *client, const void *ros_request, int64_t *sequence_id)
 Send a ROS service request. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_take_response (const rmw_client_t *client, rmw_service_info_t *request_header, void *ros_response, bool *taken)
 Take an incoming ROS service response. More...
rmw_service_trmw_create_service (const rmw_node_t *node, const rosidl_service_type_support_t *type_support, const char *service_name, const rmw_qos_profile_t *qos_profile)
 Create a service server that can receive requests from and send replies to a service client. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_service (rmw_node_t *node, rmw_service_t *service)
 Destroy and unregister a service server from its node. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_take_request (const rmw_service_t *service, rmw_service_info_t *request_header, void *ros_request, bool *taken)
 Take an incoming ROS service request. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_send_response (const rmw_service_t *service, rmw_request_id_t *request_header, void *ros_response)
 Send a ROS service response. More...
rmw_guard_condition_trmw_create_guard_condition (rmw_context_t *context)
 Create a guard condition and return a handle to that guard condition. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_guard_condition (rmw_guard_condition_t *guard_condition)
 Finalize a given guard condition handle, reclaim the resources, and deallocate the handle. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_trigger_guard_condition (const rmw_guard_condition_t *guard_condition)
rmw_wait_set_trmw_create_wait_set (rmw_context_t *context, size_t max_conditions)
 Create a wait set to store conditions that the middleware can wait on. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_wait_set (rmw_wait_set_t *wait_set)
 Destroy a wait set. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_wait (rmw_subscriptions_t *subscriptions, rmw_guard_conditions_t *guard_conditions, rmw_services_t *services, rmw_clients_t *clients, rmw_events_t *events, rmw_wait_set_t *wait_set, const rmw_time_t *wait_timeout)
 Waits on sets of different entities and returns when one is ready. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_get_node_names (const rmw_node_t *node, rcutils_string_array_t *node_names, rcutils_string_array_t *node_namespaces)
 Return the name and namespace of all nodes in the ROS graph. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_get_node_names_with_enclaves (const rmw_node_t *node, rcutils_string_array_t *node_names, rcutils_string_array_t *node_namespaces, rcutils_string_array_t *enclaves)
 Return the name, namespae, and enclave name of all nodes in the ROS graph. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_count_publishers (const rmw_node_t *node, const char *topic_name, size_t *count)
 Count the number of known publishers matching a topic name. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_count_subscribers (const rmw_node_t *node, const char *topic_name, size_t *count)
 Count the number of known subscribers matching a topic name. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_get_gid_for_publisher (const rmw_publisher_t *publisher, rmw_gid_t *gid)
 Get the unique identifier (gid) of a publisher. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_compare_gids_equal (const rmw_gid_t *gid1, const rmw_gid_t *gid2, bool *result)
 Check if two unique identifiers (gids) are equal. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_service_server_is_available (const rmw_node_t *node, const rmw_client_t *client, bool *is_available)
 Check if a service server is available for the given service client. More...
rmw_ret_t rmw_set_log_severity (rmw_log_severity_t severity)
 Set the current log severity. More...

Function Documentation

◆ rmw_get_implementation_identifier()

const char* rmw_get_implementation_identifier ( void  )

Get the name of the rmw implementation being used.

Name of rmw implementation

◆ rmw_get_serialization_format()

const char* rmw_get_serialization_format ( void  )

Get the unique serialization format for this middleware.

Return the format in which binary data is serialized. One middleware can only have one encoding. In contrast to the implementation identifier, the serialization format can be equal between multiple RMW implementations. This means, that the same binary messages can be deserialized by RMW implementations with the same format.

See also
serialization format

◆ rmw_create_node()

rmw_node_t* rmw_create_node ( rmw_context_t context,
const char *  name,
const char *  namespace_ 

Create a node and return a handle to that node.

This function can fail, and therefore return NULL, if:

  • name is not a valid non-null node name
  • namespace_ is not a valid non-null namespace
  • context is not valid i.e. it is zero-initialized, or its implementation identifier does not match that of this API implementation, or has been invalidated by rmw_shutdown()
  • memory allocation fails during node creation
  • an unspecified error occurs

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Yes
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics No [1]
Lock-Free No [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

This should be defined by the rmw implementation.

[in]contextinit context that this node should be associated with
[in]namethe node name
[in]namespace_the node namespace
rmw node handle, or NULL if there was an error

◆ rmw_destroy_node()

rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_node ( rmw_node_t node)

Finalize a given node handle, reclaim the resources, and deallocate the node handle.

This function will return early if a logical error, such as RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT or RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION, ensues, leaving the given node handle unchanged. Otherwise, it will proceed despite errors, freeing as many resources as it can, including the node handle. Usage of a deallocated node handle is undefined behavior.

All publishers, subscribers, services, and clients created from this node must have been destroyed prior to this call. Some rmw implementations may verify this, returning RMW_RET_ERROR and setting a human readable error message if any entity created from this node has not yet been destroyed. However, this is not guaranteed and so callers should ensure that this is the case before calling this function.
[in]nodethe node handle to be destroyed
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if node is invalid, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the implementation identifier does not match, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.


RCUTILS_DEPRECATED_WITH_MSG ( "rmw_node_assert_liveliness implementation was removed." " If manual liveliness assertion is  needed,
) const

◆ rmw_node_get_graph_guard_condition()

const rmw_guard_condition_t* rmw_node_get_graph_guard_condition ( const rmw_node_t node)

Return a guard condition which is triggered when the ROS graph changes.

The guard condition will be triggered anytime a change to the ROS graph occurs. A ROS graph change occurs whenever:

The state of the ROS graph, and any changes that may take place, are reported as seen by the associated node.

The guard condition is owned and internally held by the node. It will be invalidated if node is finalized using rmw_destroy_node(). It is undefined behavior to use an invalidated guard condition.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory No
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics No
Lock-Free Yes
Given node must be a valid node handle, as returned by rmw_create_node().
[in]nodeNode to retrieve the guard condition from.
Guard condition if successful, or NULL if node is NULL, or an unspecified error occurs.

◆ rmw_init_publisher_allocation()

rmw_ret_t rmw_init_publisher_allocation ( const rosidl_message_type_support_t *  type_support,
const rosidl_runtime_c__Sequence__bound *  message_bounds,
rmw_publisher_allocation_t allocation 

Initialize a publisher allocation to be used with later publications.

This creates an allocation object that can be used in conjunction with the rmw_publish method to perform more carefully control memory allocations.

This will allow the middleware to preallocate the correct amount of memory for a given message type and message bounds. As allocation is performed in this method, it will not be necessary to allocate in the rmw_publish method.

[in]type_supportType support of the message to be preallocated.
[in]message_boundsBounds structure of the message to be preallocated.
[out]allocationAllocation structure to be passed to rmw_publish.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_UNSUPPORTED if it's unimplemented
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is null, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_fini_publisher_allocation()

rmw_ret_t rmw_fini_publisher_allocation ( rmw_publisher_allocation_t allocation)

Destroy a publisher allocation object.

This deallocates any memory allocated by rmw_init_publisher_allocation.

[in]allocationAllocation object to be destroyed.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_UNSUPPORTED if it's unimplemented
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if argument is null, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_get_default_publisher_options()

rmw_publisher_options_t rmw_get_default_publisher_options ( void  )

Return a rmw_publisher_options_t initialized with default values.

◆ rmw_create_publisher()

rmw_publisher_t* rmw_create_publisher ( const rmw_node_t node,
const rosidl_message_type_support_t *  type_support,
const char *  topic_name,
const rmw_qos_profile_t qos_profile,
const rmw_publisher_options_t publisher_options 

Create a publisher and return a handle to that publisher.

This function can fail, and therefore return NULL, if:

  • node is not a valid non-null handle for this rmw implementation, as returned by rmw_create_node()
  • type_support is a not valid non-null message type support, as returned by ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT()
  • topic_name is not a valid non-null topic name, according to rmw_validate_full_topic_name()
  • qos_profile is not a fully specified non-null profile i.e. no UNKNOWN policies
  • publisher_options is not a valid non-null option set, as returned by rmw_get_default_publisher_options()
  • memory allocation fails during publisher creation
  • an unspecified error occurs

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Yes
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

[in]nodeHandle to node with which to register this publisher
[in]type_supportType support for the messages to be published
[in]topic_nameName of the topic to publish to, often a fully qualified topic name unless qos_profile is configured to avoid ROS namespace conventions i.e. to create a native topic publisher
[in]qos_profileQoS policies for this publisher
[in]publisher_optionsOptions to configure this publisher
rmw publisher handle, or NULL if there was an error

◆ rmw_destroy_publisher()

rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_publisher ( rmw_node_t node,
rmw_publisher_t publisher 

Finalize a given publisher handle, reclaim the resources, and deallocate the publisher handle.

This function will return early if a logical error, such as RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT or RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION, ensues, leaving the given publisher handle unchanged. Otherwise, it will proceed despite errors, freeing as many resources as it can, including the publisher handle. Usage of a deallocated publisher handle is undefined behavior.

Given node must be the one the publisher was registered with.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory No
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

[in]nodeHandle to node with which the given publisher is registered
[in]publisherHandle to publisher to be finalized
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if node or publisher is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if node or publisher implementation identifier does not match, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_borrow_loaned_message()

rmw_ret_t rmw_borrow_loaned_message ( const rmw_publisher_t publisher,
const rosidl_message_type_support_t *  type_support,
void **  ros_message 

Borrow a loaned ROS message.

This ROS message is owned by the middleware, that will keep it alive (i.e. in valid memory space) until the caller publishes it using rmw_publish_loaned_message() or returns it using rmw_return_loaned_message_from_publisher().

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
To borrow a ROS message is a synchronous operation. It is also non-blocking, but it is not guaranteed to be lock-free. Generally speaking, implementations may synchronize access to internal resources using locks but are not allowed to wait for events with no guaranteed time bound (barring the effects of starvation due to OS scheduling).
Memory allocation
It is implementation defined whether memory will be allocated on borrow or not. Check the implementation documentation to learn about memory allocation guarantees when using ROS message loaning support.
Publishers are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to borrow ROS messages from the same publisher concurrently.
Given publisher must be a valid publisher, as returned by rmw_create_publisher().
Given type_support must be a valid rosidl message type support, matching the one registered with the publisher on creation.
[in]publisherPublisher to which the loaned ROS message will be associated.
[in]type_supportMessage type support of the loaned ROS message.
[out]ros_messagePointer to type erased ROS message loaned by the middleware.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation fails, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if type_support is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if ros_message is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if *ros_message is not NULL (to prevent leaks), or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if publisher implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_UNSUPPORTED if the implementation does not support ROS message loaning, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occured.

◆ rmw_return_loaned_message_from_publisher()

rmw_ret_t rmw_return_loaned_message_from_publisher ( const rmw_publisher_t publisher,
void *  loaned_message 

Return a loaned message previously borrowed from a publisher.

Tells the middleware that a borrowed ROS message is no longer needed by the caller. Ownership of the ROS message is given back to the middleware. If this function fails early due to a logical error, such as an invalid argument, the loaned ROS message will be left unchanged. Otherwise, ownership of the ROS message will be given back to the middleware. It is up to the middleware what will be made of the returned ROS message. It is undefined behavior to use a loaned ROS message after returning it.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory No
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
To return a ROS message is a synchronous operation. It is also non-blocking, but it is not guaranteed to be lock-free. Generally speaking, implementations may synchronize access to internal resources using locks but are not allowed to wait for events with no guaranteed time bound (barring the effects of starvation due to OS scheduling).
Publishers are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to return borrowed ROS messages to the same publisher concurrently. However, since ownership of the loaned ROS message is given back to the middleware and this transfer is not synchronized, it is not safe to return the same loaned ROS message concurrently.
Given publisher must be a valid publisher, as returned by rmw_create_publisher().
Given loaned_message must have been previously borrowed from the same publisher using rmw_borrow_loaned_message().
[in]publisherPublisher to which the loaned ROS message is associated.
[in]loaned_messageType erased loaned ROS message to be returned.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if loaned_message is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if publisher implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_UNSUPPORTED if the implementation does not support ROS message loaning, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs and no message can be initialized.

◆ rmw_publish()

rmw_ret_t rmw_publish ( const rmw_publisher_t publisher,
const void *  ros_message,
rmw_publisher_allocation_t allocation 

Publish a ROS message.

Send a ROS message to all subscriptions with matching QoS policies using the given publisher.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
It is implementation defined whether to publish a ROS message is a synchronous or asynchronous, blocking or non-blocking operation. However, asynchronous implementations are not allowed to access the given ROS message after this function returns. Check the implementation documentation to learn about publish behavior.
Memory allocation
It is implementation defined whether memory will be allocated on publish or not. For instance, implementations that serialize ROS messages to send it over the wire may need to perform additional memory allocations when dealing with unbounded (dynamically-sized) fields. A publisher allocation, if provided, may or may not be used. Check the implementation documentation to learn about memory allocation guarantees when publishing ROS messages with and without publisher allocations.
Publishers are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to publish using the same publisher concurrently. However, when publishing regular ROS messages:
  • Access to the ROS message is read-only but it is not synchronized. Concurrent ros_message reads are safe, but concurrent reads and writes are not.
  • Access to the publisher allocation is not synchronized, unless specifically stated otherwise by the implementation. Thus, it is generally not safe to read or write allocation while rmw_publish() uses it. Check the implementation documentation to learn about publisher allocations' thread-safety.
Given publisher must be a valid publisher, as returned by rmw_create_publisher().
Given ros_message must be a valid message, whose type matches the message type support the publisher was registered with on creation.
If not NULL, given allocation must be a valid publisher allocation, initialized with rmw_publisher_allocation_init() with a message type support that matches the one registered with publisher on creation.
[in]publisherPublisher to be used to send message.
[in]ros_messageType erased ROS message to be sent.
[in]allocationPre-allocated memory to be used. May be NULL.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if ros_message is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if publisher implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_publish_loaned_message()

rmw_ret_t rmw_publish_loaned_message ( const rmw_publisher_t publisher,
void *  ros_message,
rmw_publisher_allocation_t allocation 

Publish a loaned ROS message.

Send a previously borrowed ROS message to all subscriptions with matching QoS policies using the given publisher, then return ROS message ownership to the middleware.

If this function fails early due to a logical error, such as an invalid argument, the loaned ROS message will be left unchanged. Otherwise, ownership of the ROS message will be given back to the middleware. It is up to the middleware what will be made of the returned ROS message. It is undefined behavior to use a loaned ROS message after publishing it.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check the implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
It is implementation defined whether to publish a loaned ROS message is a synchronous or asynchronous, blocking or non-blocking operation. Check the implementation documentation to learn about publish behavior.
Memory allocation
It is implementation defined whether memory will be allocated on publish or not. For instance, implementations that serialize ROS messages to send it over the wire may need to perform additional memory allocations when dealing with unbounded (dynamically-sized) fields. A publisher allocation, if provided, may or may not be used. Check the implementation documentation to learn about memory allocation guarantees when publishing loaned ROS messages with and without publisher allocations.
Publishers are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to publish using the same publisher concurrently. However, when publishing loaned ROS messages:
  • Ownership of the loaned ROS message is given back to the middleware. This transfer is not synchronized, and thus it is not safe to publish the same loaned ROS message concurrently.
  • Access to the publisher allocation is not synchronized, unless specifically stated otherwise by the implementation. Thus, it is generally not safe to read or write allocation while rmw_publish() uses it. Check the implementation documentation to learn about publisher allocations' thread-safety.
Given publisher must be a valid publisher, as returned by rmw_create_publisher().
Given ros_message must be a valid message, borrowed from the same publisher using rmw_borrow_loaned_message().
If not NULL, given allocation must be a valid publisher allocation, initialized with rmw_publisher_allocation_init() with a message type support that matches the one registered with publisher on creation.
[in]publisherPublisher to be used to send message.
[in]ros_messageLoaned type erased ROS message to be sent.
[in]allocationPre-allocated memory to be used. May be NULL.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if ros_message is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if publisher implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_UNSUPPORTED if the implementation does not support ROS message loaning, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_publisher_count_matched_subscriptions()

rmw_ret_t rmw_publisher_count_matched_subscriptions ( const rmw_publisher_t publisher,
size_t *  subscription_count 

Retrieve the number of matched subscriptions to a publisher.

Query the underlying middleware to determine how many subscriptions are matched to a given publisher.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory No
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

[in]publisherthe publisher object to inspect
[out]subscription_countthe number of subscriptions matched
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if either argument is null, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if publisher implementation identifier does not match, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_publisher_get_actual_qos()

rmw_ret_t rmw_publisher_get_actual_qos ( const rmw_publisher_t publisher,
rmw_qos_profile_t qos 

Retrieve the actual qos settings of the publisher.

Query the underlying middleware to determine the qos settings of the publisher. The actual configuration applied when using RMW_*_SYSTEM_DEFAULT can only be resolved after the creation of the publisher, and it depends on the underlying rmw implementation. If the underlying setting in use can't be represented in ROS terms, it will be set to RMW_*_UNKNOWN.

The value of avoid_ros_namespace_conventions field is not resolved with this function. The rcl function rcl_publisher_get_actual_qos() resolves it.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe [1]
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

[in]publisherthe publisher object to inspect
[out]qosthe actual qos settings
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if either argument is null, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if publisher implementation identifier does not match, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_publish_serialized_message()

rmw_ret_t rmw_publish_serialized_message ( const rmw_publisher_t publisher,
const rmw_serialized_message_t serialized_message,
rmw_publisher_allocation_t allocation 

Publish a ROS message as a byte stream.

Send a ROS message serialized as a byte stream to all subscriptions with matching QoS policies using the given publisher. A ROS message can be serialized manually using rmw_serialize().

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check the implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
It is implementation defined whether to publish a loaned ROS message is a synchronous or asynchronous, blocking or non-blocking operation. However, asynchronous implementations are not allowed to access the given byte stream after this function returns. Check the implementation documentation to learn about publish behavior.
Memory allocation
It is implementation defined whether memory will be allocated on publish or not. Even if a publisher allocation is provided, an implementation may ignore it. Check the implementation documentation to learn about memory allocation guarantees when publishing serialized messages with and without publisher allocations.
Publishers are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to publish using the same publisher concurrently. However, when publishing serialized ROS messages:
  • Access to the byte stream is read-only but it is not synchronized. Concurrent serialized_message reads are safe, but concurrent reads and writes are not.
  • Access to the publisher allocation is not synchronized, unless specifically stated otherwise by the implementation. Thus, it is generally not safe to read or write allocation while rmw_publish() uses it. Check the implementation documentation to learn about publisher allocations' thread-safety.
Given publisher must be a valid publisher, as returned by rmw_create_publisher().
Given serialized_message must be a valid serialized message, initialized by rmw_serialized_message_init() and containing the serialization of a ROS message whose type matches the message type support the publisher was registered with on creation.
If not NULL, given allocation must be a valid publisher allocation, initialized with rmw_publisher_allocation_init() with a message type support that matches the one registered with publisher on creation.
[in]publisherPublisher to be used to send message.
[in]ros_messageSerialized ROS message to be sent.
[in]allocationPre-allocated memory to be used. May be NULL.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if serialized_message is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if publisher implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_get_serialized_message_size()

rmw_ret_t rmw_get_serialized_message_size ( const rosidl_message_type_support_t *  type_support,
const rosidl_runtime_c__Sequence__bound *  message_bounds,
size_t *  size 

Compute the size of a serialized message.

Given a message definition and bounds, compute the serialized size.

[in]type_supportThe type support of the message to compute.
[in]boundsArtifical bounds to use on unbounded fields.
[out]sizeThe computed size of the serialized message.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if either argument is null, or
RMW_RET_UNSUPPORTED if it's unimplemented, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_publisher_assert_liveliness()

rmw_ret_t rmw_publisher_assert_liveliness ( const rmw_publisher_t publisher)

Manually assert that this Publisher is alive (for RMW_QOS_POLICY_LIVELINESS_MANUAL_BY_TOPIC)

If the rmw Liveliness policy is set to RMW_QOS_POLICY_LIVELINESS_MANUAL_BY_TOPIC, the creator of this publisher may manually call assert_liveliness at some point in time to signal to the rest of the system that this Node is still alive.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory No
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics No
Lock-Free Yes
[in]publisherhandle to the publisher that needs liveliness to be asserted
RMW_RET_OK if the liveliness assertion was completed successfully, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unspecified error occurs, or
RMW_RET_UNSUPPORTED if the rmw implementation does not support asserting liveliness.

◆ rmw_serialize()

rmw_ret_t rmw_serialize ( const void *  ros_message,
const rosidl_message_type_support_t *  type_support,
rmw_serialized_message_t serialized_message 

Serialize a ROS message into a rmw_serialized_message_t.

The ROS message is serialized into a byte stream contained within the rmw_serialized_message_t structure. The serialization format depends on the underlying implementation.

Given ROS message must be a valid non-null instance, initialized by the caller and matching the provided typesupport.
Given typesupport must be a valid non-null instance, as provided by rosidl APIs.
Given serialized message must be a valid non-null instance, initialized by the caller.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe [1]
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [2]
Lock-Free Maybe [2]

[1] if the given serialized message does not have enough capacity to hold the ROS message serialization [2] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

[in]ros_messagethe typed ROS message
[in]type_supportthe typesupport for the ROS message
[out]serialized_messagethe destination for the serialize ROS message
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation failed, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_deserialize()

rmw_ret_t rmw_deserialize ( const rmw_serialized_message_t serialized_message,
const rosidl_message_type_support_t *  type_support,
void *  ros_message 

Deserialize a ROS message.

The given rmw_serialized_message_t's internal byte stream buffer is deserialized into the given ROS message. The serialization format expected in the rmw_serialized_message_t depends on the underlying implementation.

Given serialized message must be a valid non-null instance, such as that returned by rmw_serialize(), matching provided typesupport and ROS message.
Given typesupport must be a valid non-null instance, as provided by rosidl APIs.
Given ROS message must be a valid non-null instance, initialized by the caller.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe [1]
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [2]
Lock-Free Maybe [2]

[1] if the given ROS message contains unbounded fields [2] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

[in]serialized_messagethe serialized message holding the byte stream
[in]type_supportthe typesupport for the typed ros message
[out]ros_messagedestination for the deserialized ROS message
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation failed, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_init_subscription_allocation()

rmw_ret_t rmw_init_subscription_allocation ( const rosidl_message_type_support_t *  type_support,
const rosidl_runtime_c__Sequence__bound *  message_bounds,
rmw_subscription_allocation_t allocation 

Initialize a subscription allocation to be used with later takes.

This creates an allocation object that can be used in conjunction with the rmw_take method to perform more carefully control memory allocations.

This will allow the middleware to preallocate the correct amount of memory for a given message type and message bounds. As allocation is performed in this method, it will not be necessary to allocate in the rmw_take method.

[in]type_supportType support of the message to be preallocated.
[in]message_boundsBounds structure of the message to be preallocated.
[out]allocationAllocation structure to be passed to rmw_take.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_UNSUPPORTED if it's unimplemented
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is null, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_fini_subscription_allocation()

rmw_ret_t rmw_fini_subscription_allocation ( rmw_subscription_allocation_t allocation)

Destroy a publisher allocation object.

This deallocates memory allocated by rmw_init_subscription_allocation.

[in]allocationAllocation object to be destroyed.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_UNSUPPORTED if it's unimplemented
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if argument is null, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_create_subscription()

rmw_subscription_t* rmw_create_subscription ( const rmw_node_t node,
const rosidl_message_type_support_t *  type_support,
const char *  topic_name,
const rmw_qos_profile_t qos_policies,
const rmw_subscription_options_t subscription_options 

Create a subscription and return a handle to that subscription.

This function can fail, and therefore return NULL, if:

  • node is not a valid non-null handle for this rmw implementation, as returned by rmw_create_node()
  • type_support is a not valid non-null message type support, as returned by ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT()
  • topic_name is not a valid non-null topic name, according to rmw_validate_full_topic_name() if ROS namespace conventions apply
  • qos_profile is not a fully specified non-null profile i.e. no UNKNOWN policies
  • subscription_options is not a valid non-null option set, such as the one returned by rmw_get_default_subscription_options()
  • memory allocation fails during subscription creation
  • an unspecified error occurs

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Yes
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

[in]nodeHandle to node with which to register this subscription
[in]type_supportType support for the messages to be subscribed to
[in]topic_nameName of the topic to subscribe to, often a fully qualified topic name unless qos_profile is configured to avoid ROS namespace conventions i.e. to create a native topic subscription
[in]qos_profileQoS policies for this subscription
[in]subscription_optionsOptions for configuring this subscription
rmw subscription handle, or NULL if there was an error

◆ rmw_destroy_subscription()

rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_subscription ( rmw_node_t node,
rmw_subscription_t subscription 

Finalize a given subscription handle, reclaim the resources, and deallocate the subscription handle. This function will return early if a logical error, namely RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT or RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION, ensues, leaving the given subscription handle unchanged. Otherwise, it will proceed despite errors, freeing as many resources as it can, including the subscription handle, and return RMW_RET_ERROR. Usage of a deallocated subscription handle is undefined behavior.

Given node must be the one the subscription was registered with.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory No
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

[in]nodeHandle to node with which the given subscription is registered
[in]subscriptionHandle to subscription to be finalized
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if node or subscription is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if node or subscription implementation identifier does not match, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_subscription_count_matched_publishers()

rmw_ret_t rmw_subscription_count_matched_publishers ( const rmw_subscription_t subscription,
size_t *  publisher_count 

Retrieve the number of matched publishers to a subscription.

Query the underlying middleware to determine how many publishers are matched to a given subscription.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory No
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

[in]subscriptionthe subscription object to inspect
[out]publisher_countthe number of publishers matched
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if either argument is null, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if subscription implementation identifier does not match, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_subscription_get_actual_qos()

rmw_ret_t rmw_subscription_get_actual_qos ( const rmw_subscription_t subscription,
rmw_qos_profile_t qos 

Retrieve the actual qos settings of the subscription.

Query the underlying middleware to determine the qos settings of the subscription. The actual configuration applied when using RMW_*_SYSTEM_DEFAULT can only be resolved after the creation of the subscription, and it depends on the underlying rmw implementation. If the underlying setting in use can't be represented in ROS terms, it will be set to RMW_*_UNKNOWN.

The value of avoid_ros_namespace_conventions field is not resolved with this function. The rcl function rcl_subscription_get_actual_qos() resolves it.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe [1]
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

[in]subscriptionthe subscription object to inspect
[out]qosthe actual qos settings
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if either argument is null, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if subscription implementation identifier does not match, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_take()

rmw_ret_t rmw_take ( const rmw_subscription_t subscription,
void *  ros_message,
bool *  taken,
rmw_subscription_allocation_t allocation 

Take an incoming ROS message.

Take a ROS message already received by the given subscription, removing it from internal queues. This function will succeed even if no ROS message was received, but taken will be false.

The same ROS message cannot be taken twice. Callers do not have to deal with duplicates.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
To take a ROS message is a synchronous operation. It is also non-blocking, to the extent it will not wait for new ROS messages to arrive, but it is not guaranteed to be lock-free. Generally speaking, implementations may synchronize access to internal resources using locks but are not allowed to wait for events with no guaranteed time bound (barring the effects of starvation due to OS scheduling).
Memory allocation
It is implementation defined whether memory will be allocated on take or not. For instance, implementations that deserialize ROS messages received over the wire may need to perform additional memory allocations when dealing with unbounded (dynamically-sized) fields. A subscription allocation, if provided, may or may not be used. Check the implementation documentation to learn about memory allocation guarantees when taking ROS messages with and without subscription allocations.
Subscriptions are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to take from the same subscription concurrently. However, when taking regular ROS messages:
  • Access to the given ROS message is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write ros_message while rmw_take() uses it.
  • Access to given primitive data-type arguments is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write taken while rmw_take() uses it.
  • Access to the given subscription allocation is not synchronized, unless specifically stated otherwise by the implementation. Thus, it is generally not safe to read or write allocation while rmw_take() uses it. Check the implementation documentation to learn about subscription allocations' thread-safety.
Given subscription must be a valid subscription, as returned by rmw_create_subscription().
Given ros_message must be a valid message, whose type matches the message type support registered with the subscription on creation.
If not NULL, given allocation must be a valid subscription allocation initialized with rmw_subscription_allocation_init() with a message type support that matches the one registered with the subscription on creation.
Given ros_message will remain a valid message. It will be left unchanged if this function fails early due to a logical error, such as an invalid argument, or in an unknown yet valid state if it fails due to a runtime error. It will also be left unchanged if this function succeeds but taken is false.
[in]subscriptionSubscription to take message from.
[out]ros_messageType erased ROS message to write to.
[out]takenBoolean flag indicating if a ROS message was taken or not.
[in]allocationPre-allocated memory to be used. May be NULL.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation fails, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if subscription is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if ros_message is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the subscription implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_take_with_info()

rmw_ret_t rmw_take_with_info ( const rmw_subscription_t subscription,
void *  ros_message,
bool *  taken,
rmw_message_info_t message_info,
rmw_subscription_allocation_t allocation 

Take an incoming ROS message with its metadata.

Same as rmw_take(), except it also takes ROS message metadata.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
To take a ROS message with its metadata is a synchronous operation. It is also non-blocking, to the extent it will not wait for new ROS messages to arrive, but it is not guaranteed to be lock-free. Generally speaking, implementations may synchronize access to internal resources using locks but are not allowed to wait for events with no guaranteed time bound (barring the effects of starvation due to OS scheduling).
Memory allocation
It is implementation defined whether memory will be allocated on take or not. For instance, implementations that deserialize ROS messages received over the wire may need to perform additional memory allocations when dealing with unbounded (dynamically-sized) fields. A subscription allocation, if provided, may or may not be used. Check the implementation documentation to learn about memory allocation guarantees when taking ROS messages with and without subscription allocations.
Subscriptions are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to take from the same subscription concurrently. However, when taking regular ROS messages with metadata:
  • Access to the given ROS message is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write ros_message while rmw_take_with_info() uses it.
  • Access to given primitive data-type arguments is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write taken while rmw_take_with_info() uses it.
  • Access to the given ROS message metadata is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write message_info while rmw_take_with_info() uses it.
  • Access to the given subscription allocation is not synchronized, unless specifically stated otherwise by the implementation. Thus, it is generally not safe to read or write allocation while rmw_take_with_info() uses it. Check the implementation documentation to learn about subscription allocations' thread-safety.
Given subscription must be a valid subscription, as returned by rmw_create_subscription().
Given ros_message must be a valid message, whose type matches the message type support registered with the subscription on creation.
If not NULL, given allocation must be a valid subscription allocation initialized with rmw_subscription_allocation_init() with a message type support that matches the one registered with the subscription on creation.
Given ros_message will remain a valid message, and message_info, valid message metadata. Both will be left unchanged if this function fails early due to a logical error, such as an invalid argument, or in an unknown yet valid state if it fails due to a runtime error. Both will also be left unchanged if this function succeeds but taken is false.
[in]subscriptionSubscription to take ROS message from.
[out]ros_messageType erased ROS message to write to.
[out]takenBoolean flag indicating if a ROS message was taken or not.
[out]message_infoTaken ROS message metadata.
[in]allocationPre-allocated memory to be used. May be NULL.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation fails, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if subscription is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if ros_message is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if message_info is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the subscription implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_take_sequence()

rmw_ret_t rmw_take_sequence ( const rmw_subscription_t subscription,
size_t  count,
rmw_message_sequence_t message_sequence,
rmw_message_info_sequence_t message_info_sequence,
size_t *  taken,
rmw_subscription_allocation_t allocation 

Take multiple incoming ROS messages with their metadata.

Take a sequence of consecutive ROS messages already received by the given subscription, removing them from internal queues. While count ROS messages may be requested, fewer messages may have been received by the subscription. This function will only take what has been already received, and it will succeed even if fewer (or zero) messages were received. In this case, only currently available messages will be returned. The taken output variable indicates the number of ROS messages actually taken.

Once taken, ROS messages in the sequence cannot be taken again. Callers do not have to deal with duplicates.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
To take a sequence of ROS messages is a synchronous operation. It is also non-blocking, to the extent it will not wait for new ROS messages to arrive, but it is not guaranteed to be lock-free. Generally speaking, implementations may synchronize access to internal resources using locks but are not allowed to wait for events with no guaranteed time bound (barring the effects of starvation due to OS scheduling).
Memory allocation
It is implementation defined whether memory will be allocated on take or not. For instance, implementations that deserialize ROS messages received over the wire may need to perform additional memory allocations when dealing with unbounded (dynamically-sized) fields. A subscription allocation, if provided, may or may not be used. Check the implementation documentation to learn about memory allocation guarantees when taking ROS messages with and without subscription allocations.
Subscriptions are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to take from the same subscription concurrently. Moreover, the sequence of ROS messages taken is guaranteed to be consecutive and to preserve the order in the subscription queues, despite any concurrent takes. However, when taking a sequence of ROS messages with metadata:
  • Access to the given ROS message sequence is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write message_sequence while rmw_take_sequence() uses it.
  • Access to the given ROS message metadata sequence is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write message_info_sequence while rmw_take_sequence() uses it.
  • Access to given primitive data-type arguments is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write taken while rmw_take_sequence() uses it.
  • Access to the given subscription allocation is not synchronized, unless specifically stated otherwise by the implementation. Thus, it is generally not safe to read or write allocation while rmw_take_sequence() uses it. Check the implementation documentation to learn about subscription allocations' thread-safety.
Given subscription must be a valid subscription, as returned by rmw_create_subscription().
Given message_sequence must be a valid message sequence, initialized by rmw_message_sequence_init() and populated with ROS messages whose type matches the message type support registered with the subscription on creation.
Given message_info_sequence must be a valid message metadata sequence, initialized by rmw_message_info_sequence_init().
If not NULL, given allocation must be a valid subscription allocation initialized with rmw_subscription_allocation_init() with a message type support that matches the one registered with subscription on creation.
Given message_sequence will remain a valid message sequence, and message_info_sequence, a valid message metadata sequence. Both will be left unchanged if this function fails early due to a logical error, such as an invalid argument, or in an unknown yet valid state if it fails due to a runtime error. Both will also be left unchanged if this function succeeds but taken is zero.
[in]subscriptionSubscription to take ROS message from.
[in]countNumber of messages to attempt to take.
[out]message_sequenceSequence of type erase ROS messages to write to. Message sequence capacity has to be enough to hold all requested messages i.e. capacity has to be equal or greater than count. It does not have to match that of message_info_sequence.
[out]message_info_sequenceSequence of additional message metadata. Message info sequence capacity has to be enough to hold all requested messages metadata i.e. capacity has to be equal or greater than count. It does not have to match that of message_sequence.
[out]takenNumber of messages actually taken from subscription.
[in]allocationPre-allocated memory to use. May be NULL.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation fails, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if subscription is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if message_sequence is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if message_info_sequence is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if count is 0, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if message_sequence capacity is less than count, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if message_info_sequence capacity is less than count, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the subscription implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_take_serialized_message()

rmw_ret_t rmw_take_serialized_message ( const rmw_subscription_t subscription,
rmw_serialized_message_t serialized_message,
bool *  taken,
rmw_subscription_allocation_t allocation 

Take an incoming ROS message as a byte stream.

Take a ROS message already received by the given subscription, removing it from internal queues. This function will succeed even if no ROS message was received, but taken will be false. Unlike rmw_take(), the ROS message is taken in its serialized form, as a byte stream. If needed, this byte stream can then be deserialized into a ROS message with rmw_deserialize().

The same ROS message, serialized or not, cannot be taken twice. Callers do not have to deal with duplicates.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
To take a ROS message a byte stream is a synchronous operation. It is also non-blocking, to the extent it will not wait for new ROS messages to arrive, but it is not guaranteed to be lock-free. Generally speaking, implementations may synchronize access to internal resources using locks but are not allowed to wait for events with no guaranteed time bound (barring the effects of starvation due to OS scheduling).
Memory allocation
It is implementation defined whether memory will be allocated on take or not. For instance, implementations may have to perform additional memory allocations when dealing with ROS messages that contain unbounded (dynamically-sized) fields i.e. these implementations may have to resize the given byte stream. A subscription allocation, if provided, may or may not be used. Check the implementation documentation to learn about memory allocation guarantees when taking serialized ROS messages with and without subscription allocations.
For ROS messages that only contain bounded (fixed-size) fields, callers can query their size using rmw_get_serialized_message_size() and resize serialized_message using rmw_serialized_message_resize() accordingly to prevent byte stream resizing on take. Nonetheless, byte stream resizing is not guaranteed to be the sole memory operation.
Subscriptions are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to take from the same subscription concurrently. However, when taking serialized ROS messages:
  • Access to the given byte stream for serialized ROS messages is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write serialized_message while rmw_take_serialized_message() uses it.
  • Access to given primitive data-type arguments is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write taken while rmw_take_serialized_message() uses it.
  • Access to the given subscription allocation is not synchronized, unless specifically stated otherwise by the implementation. Thus, it is generally not safe to read or write allocation while rmw_take_serialized_message() uses it. Check the implementation documentation to learn about subscription allocations' thread-safety.
Given subscription must be a valid subscription, as returned by rmw_create_subscription().
Given serialized_message must be a valid serialized message, initialized by rmw_serialized_message_init().
If not NULL, given allocation must be a valid subscription allocation initialized with rmw_subscription_allocation_init() with a message type support that matches the one registered with subscription on creation.
Given serialized_message will remain a valid serialized message. It will be left unchanged if this function fails early due to a logical error, such as an invalid argument, or in an unknown yet valid state if it fails due to a runtime error. It will also be left unchanged if this function succeeds but taken is false.
[in]subscriptionSubscription to take ROS message from.
[out]serialized_messageByte stream to write to.
[out]takenBoolean flag indicating if a ROS message was taken or not.
[in]allocationPre-allocated memory to use. May be NULL.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation fails, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if subscription is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if serialized_message is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the subscription implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_take_serialized_message_with_info()

rmw_ret_t rmw_take_serialized_message_with_info ( const rmw_subscription_t subscription,
rmw_serialized_message_t serialized_message,
bool *  taken,
rmw_message_info_t message_info,
rmw_subscription_allocation_t allocation 

Take an incoming ROS message as a byte stream with its metadata.

Same as rmw_take_serialized_message(), except it also takes ROS message metadata.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
To take a ROS message a byte stream with its metadata is a synchronous operation. It is also non-blocking, to the extent it will not wait for new ROS messages to arrive, but it is not guaranteed to be lock-free. Generally speaking, implementations may synchronize access to internal resources using locks but are not allowed to wait for events with no guaranteed time bound (barring the effects of starvation due to OS scheduling).
Memory allocation
It is implementation defined whether memory will be allocated on take or not. For instance, implementations may have to perform additional memory allocations when dealing with ROS messages that contain unbounded (dynamically-sized) fields i.e. these implementations may have to resize the given byte stream. A subscription allocation, if provided, may or may not be used. Check the implementation documentation to learn about memory allocation guarantees when taking serialized ROS messages with and without subscription allocations.
For ROS messages that only contain bounded (fixed-size) fields, callers can query their size using rmw_get_serialized_message_size() and resize serialized_message using rmw_serialized_message_resize() accordingly to prevent byte stream resizing on take. Nonetheless, byte stream resizing is not guaranteed to be the sole memory operation.
Subscriptions are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to take from the same subscription concurrently. However, when taking serialized ROS messages with metadata:
  • Access to the given byte stream for serialized ROS messages is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write serialized_message while rmw_take_serialized_message_with_info() uses it.
  • Access to the given ROS message metadata is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write message_info while rmw_take_serialized_message_with_info() uses it.
  • Access to given primitive data-type arguments is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write taken while rmw_take_serialized_message_with_info() uses it.
  • Access to the given subscription allocation is not synchronized, unless specifically stated otherwise by the implementation. Thus, it is generally not safe to read or write allocation while rmw_take_serialized_message_with_info() uses it. Check the implementation documentation to learn about subscription allocations' thread-safety.
Given serialized_message must be a valid serialized message, initialized by rmw_serialized_message_init().
If not NULL, given allocation must be a valid subscription allocation initialized with rmw_subscription_allocation_init() with a message type support that matches the one registered with subscription on creation.
Given serialized_message will remain a valid serialized message, and message_info, valid message metadata. Both will be left unchanged if this function fails early due to a logical error, such as an invalid argument, or in an unknown yet valid state if it fails due to a runtime error. It will also be left unchanged if this function succeeds but taken is false.
[in]subscriptionSubscription to take ROS message from.
[out]serialized_messageByte stream to write to.
[out]takenBoolean flag indicating if a ROS message was taken or not.
[out]message_infoTaken ROS message metadata.
[in]allocationPre-allocated memory to use. May be NULL.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation fails, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if subscription is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if serialized_message is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if message_info is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the subscription implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_take_loaned_message()

rmw_ret_t rmw_take_loaned_message ( const rmw_subscription_t subscription,
void **  loaned_message,
bool *  taken,
rmw_subscription_allocation_t allocation 

Take an incoming ROS message, loaned by the middleware.

Take a ROS message already received by the given subscription, removing it from internal queues. This function will succeed even if no ROS message was received, but taken will be false. The loaned ROS message is owned by the middleware, which will keep it alive (i.e. in valid memory space) until the caller returns it using rmw_return_loaned_message_from_subscription().

The same ROS message, loaned or not, cannot be taken twice. Callers do not have to deal with duplicates.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
To take a loaned ROS message is a synchronous operation. It is also non-blocking, to the extent it will not wait for new ROS messages to arrive nor for internal memory loaning pools, if any, to be replenished, but it is not guaranteed to be lock-free. Generally speaking, implementations may synchronize access to internal resources using locks but are not allowed to wait for events with no guaranteed time bound (barring the effects of starvation due to OS scheduling).
Memory allocation
It is implementation defined whether memory will be allocated on take or not. For instance, implementations that deserialize ROS messages received over the wire may need to perform additional memory allocations when dealing with unbounded (dynamically-sized) fields. A subscription allocation, if provided, may or may not be used. Check the implementation documentation to learn about memory allocation guarantees when taking loaned ROS messages with and without subscription allocations.
Subscriptions are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to take from the same subscription concurrently. However, when taking loaned ROS messages:
  • Access to given primitive data-type arguments is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write taken nor loaned_message while rmw_take_loaned_message() uses them.
  • Access to the given subscription allocation is not synchronized, unless specifically stated otherwise by the implementation. Thus, it is generally not safe to read or write allocation while rmw_take_loaned_message() uses it. Check the implementation documentation to learn about subscription allocations' thread-safety.
Given subscription must be a valid subscription, as returned by rmw_create_subscription().
If not NULL, given allocation must be a valid subscription allocation initialized with rmw_subscription_allocation_init() with a message type support that matches the one registered with subscription on creation.
Given loaned_message will remain unchanged, or point to a valid message if this function was successful and taken is true.
[in]subscriptionSubscription to take ROS message from.
[in,out]loaned_messagePointer to type erased ROS message taken and loaned by the middleware.
[out]takenBoolean flag indicating if a ROS message was taken or not.
[in]allocationPre-allocated memory to use. May be NULL.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation fails, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if subscription is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if loaned_message is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if *loaned_message is not NULL (to prevent leaks), or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the subscription implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_UNSUPPORTED if the implementation does not support loaned ROS messages, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_take_loaned_message_with_info()

rmw_ret_t rmw_take_loaned_message_with_info ( const rmw_subscription_t subscription,
void **  loaned_message,
bool *  taken,
rmw_message_info_t message_info,
rmw_subscription_allocation_t allocation 

Take a loaned message and with its additional message information.

Same as rmw_take_loaned_message(), except it also takes ROS message metadata.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
To take a loaned ROS message with its metadata is a synchronous operation. It is also non-blocking, to the extent it will not wait for new ROS messages to arrive nor for internal memory loaning pools, if any, to be replenished, but it is not guaranteed to be lock-free. Generally speaking, implementations may synchronize access to internal resources using locks but are not allowed to wait for events with no guaranteed time bound (barring the effects of starvation due to OS scheduling).
Memory allocation
It is implementation defined whether memory will be allocated on take or not. For instance, implementations that deserialize ROS messages received over the wire may need to perform additional memory allocations when dealing with unbounded (dynamically-sized) fields. A subscription allocation, if provided, may or may not be used. Check the implementation documentation to learn about memory allocation guarantees when taking loaned ROS messages with and without subscription allocations.
Subscriptions are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to take from the same subscription concurrently. However, when taking loaned ROS messages with metadata:
  • Access to given primitive data-type arguments is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write taken nor loaned_message while rmw_take_loaned_message_with_info() uses them.
  • Access to the given ROS message metadata is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write message_info while rmw_take_loaned_message_with_info() uses it.
  • Access to the given subscription allocation is not synchronized, unless specifically stated otherwise by the implementation. Thus, it is generally not safe to read or write allocation while rmw_take_loaned_message_with_info() uses it. Check the implementation documentation to learn about subscription allocations' thread-safety.
Given subscription must be a valid subscription, as returned by rmw_create_subscription().
If not NULL, given allocation must be a valid subscription allocation initialized with rmw_subscription_allocation_init() with a message type support that matches the one registered with subscription on creation.
Given loaned_message will remain unchanged, or point to a valid message if this function was successful and taken is true.
Given message_info will remain valid message metadata. It will be left unchanged if this function fails early due to a logical error, such as an invalid argument, or in an unknown yet valid state if it fails due to a runtime error. It will also be left unchanged if this function succeeds but taken is false.
[in]subscriptionSubscription to take ROS message from.
[in,out]loaned_messagePointer to type erased ROS message taken and loaned by the middleware.
[out]takenBoolean flag indicating if a ROS message was taken or not.
[out]message_infoTaken ROS message metadata.
[in]allocationPre-allocated memory to use. May be NULL.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation fails, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if subscription is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if loaned_message is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if *loaned_message is not NULL to prevent leaks, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if message_info is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the subscription implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_UNSUPPORTED if the implementation does not support loaned ROS messages, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_return_loaned_message_from_subscription()

rmw_ret_t rmw_return_loaned_message_from_subscription ( const rmw_subscription_t subscription,
void *  loaned_message 

Return a loaned ROS message previously taken from a subscription.

Tells the middleware that previously loaned ROS message is no longer needed by the caller. If this function fails early due to a logical error, such as an invalid argument, the loaned ROS message will be left unchanged. Otherwise, ownership of the ROS message will be given back to the middleware. It is up to the middleware what will be made of the returned ROS message. It is undefined behavior to use a loaned ROS message after returning it.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory No
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
To return a loaned ROS message is a synchronous operation. It is also non-blocking, but it is not guaranteed to be lock-free. Generally speaking, implementations may synchronize access to internal resources using locks but are not allowed to wait for events with no guaranteed time bound (barring the effects of starvation due to OS scheduling).
Subscriptions are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to return loaned ROS messages to the same subscription concurrently. However, since ownership of the loaned ROS message is given back to middleware and this transfer is not synchronized, it is not safe to return the same loaned ROS message concurrently.
Given subscription must be a valid subscription, as returned by rmw_create_subscription().
Given loaned_message must be a loaned ROS message, previously taken from subscription using rmw_take_loaned_message() or rmw_take_loaned_message_with_info().
[in]subscriptionSubscription the ROS message was taken and loaned from.
[in]loaned_messageLoaned type erased ROS message to be returned to the middleware.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if subscription is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if loaned_message is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the subscription implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_UNSUPPORTED if the implementation does not support loaned ROS messages, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_create_client()

rmw_client_t* rmw_create_client ( const rmw_node_t node,
const rosidl_service_type_support_t *  type_support,
const char *  service_name,
const rmw_qos_profile_t qos_policies 

Create a service client that can send requests to and receive replies from a service server.

This function can fail, and therefore return NULL, if:

  • node is NULL, or
  • node does not belong to this implementation i.e. it does not have a matching implementation identifier, or
  • type_support is NULL, or
  • service_name is NULL, or
  • service_name is an empty string, or
  • (if ROS namespace conventions apply) service_name is invalid by rmw_validate_full_topic_name() definition, or
  • qos_profile is NULL, or
  • qos_profile has invalid or unknown policies, or
  • memory allocation fails during service client creation, or
  • an unspecified error occurs.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Yes
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

Given node must be a valid node, as returned by rmw_create_node().
Given type_support must be a valid rosidl service type support, as returned by ROSIDL_GET_SRV_TYPE_SUPPORT().
[in]nodeNode with which to register this service client.
[in]type_supportType support of the service to be used.
[in]service_nameName of the service to be used, often a fully qualified service name unless qos_profile is configured to avoid ROS namespace conventions i.e. to create a native service client.
[in]qos_profileQoS policies for this service client's connections.
rmw service client handle, or NULL if there was an error.

◆ rmw_destroy_client()

rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_client ( rmw_node_t node,
rmw_client_t client 

Destroy and unregister a service client from its node.

This function will reclaim all associated resources, including the service client itself. Use of a destroyed service client is undefined behavior. This function will return early if a logical error, such as RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT or RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION, ensues, leaving the given service client unchanged. Otherwise, it will proceed despite errors.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory No
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

Given node must be the one the service client was registered with.
Given client must be a valid service client, as returned by rmw_create_service().
[in]nodeNode with which the given service client is registered.
[in]clientService client to be destroyed.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the node implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the client implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unspecified error occurs.

◆ rmw_send_request()

rmw_ret_t rmw_send_request ( const rmw_client_t client,
const void *  ros_request,
int64_t *  sequence_id 

Send a ROS service request.

Send a ROS service request to one or more service servers, with matching QoS policies, using the given client.

It is implementation defined how many service servers may get, and potentially react to, the same request, considering there may be more than one server for the same service in the ROS graph.

On success, this function will return a sequence number. It is up to callers to save the returned sequence number to pair the ROS service request just sent with future ROS service responses (taken using rmw_take_response()).

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
It is implementation defined whether sending a ROS service request is a synchronous or asynchronous, and blocking or non-blocking, operation. However, asynchronous implementations are not allowed to access the given ROS service request after this function returns. Check the implementation documentation to learn about request behavior.
Memory allocation
It is implementation defined whether memory will be allocated on send or not. For instance, implementations that serialize ROS service requests may need to perform additional memory allocations when dealing with unbounded (dynamically-sized) fields.
Service clients are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to send requests using the same service client concurrently. However:
  • Access to the given ROS service request is read-only but it is not synchronized. Concurrent ros_request reads are safe, but concurrent reads and writes are not.
  • Access to given primitive data-type arguments is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write sequence_id while rmw_send_request() uses it.
Given client must be a valid client, as returned by rmw_create_client().
Given ros_request must be a valid service request, whose type matches the service type support registered with the client on creation.
[in]clientService client to send a request with.
[in]ros_requestROS service request to be sent.
[out]sequence_idSequence number for the ros_request just sent i.e. a unique identification number for it, populated on success.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation fails, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if ros_request is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if sequence_id is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the client implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_take_response()

rmw_ret_t rmw_take_response ( const rmw_client_t client,
rmw_service_info_t request_header,
void *  ros_response,
bool *  taken 

Take an incoming ROS service response.

Take a ROS service response already received by the given service server, removing it from internal queues. The response header (i.e. its metadata), containing at least the writer guid and sequence number, is also retrieved. Both writer guid and sequence number allow callers to pair, potentially for each remote service server, a ROS service response with its corresponding ROS service request, previously sent using rmw_send_request().

It is implementation defined how many responses a given request may get, considering there may be more than one server for the same service in the ROS graph.

This function will succeed even if no ROS service request was received, but taken will be false.

The same ROS service response cannot be taken twice. Callers do not have to deal with duplicates.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
Taking a ROS service response is a synchronous operation. It is also non-blocking, to the extent it will not wait for new ROS service responses to arrive, but it is not guaranteed to be lock-free. Generally speaking, implementations may synchronize access to internal resources using locks but are not allowed to wait for events with no guaranteed time bound (barring the effects of starvation due to OS scheduling).
Memory allocation
It is implementation defined whether memory will be allocated on take or not. For instance, implementations that deserialize ROS service responses received over the wire may need to perform additional memory allocations when dealing with unbounded (dynamically-sized) fields.
Service clients are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to take responses from the same service client concurrently. However:
  • Access to the given ROS service response is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write ros_response while rmw_take_request() uses it.
  • Access to the given ROS service response header is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write response_header while rmw_take_response() uses it.
  • Access to given primitive data-type arguments is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write taken while rmw_take_response() uses it.
Given client must be a valid client, as returned by rmw_create_client().
Given ros_response must be a valid service response, whose type matches the service type support registered with the client on creation.
Given ros_response will remain a valid service response. It will be left unchanged if this function fails early due to a logical error, such as an invalid argument, or in an unknown yet valid state if it fails due to a runtime error. It will also be left unchanged if this function succeeds but taken is false.
[in]clientService client to take response from.
[out]response_headerService response header to write to.
[out]ros_requestType erased ROS service response to write to.
[out]takenBoolean flag indicating if a ROS service response was taken or not.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation fails, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if response_header is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if ros_response is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the client implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_create_service()

rmw_service_t* rmw_create_service ( const rmw_node_t node,
const rosidl_service_type_support_t *  type_support,
const char *  service_name,
const rmw_qos_profile_t qos_profile 

Create a service server that can receive requests from and send replies to a service client.

This function can fail, and therefore return NULL, if:

  • node is NULL, or
  • node does not belong to this implementation i.e. it does not have a matching implementation identifier, or
  • type_support is NULL, or
  • service_name is NULL, or
  • service_name is an empty string, or
  • (if ROS namespace conventions apply) service_name is invalid by rmw_validate_full_topic_name() definition, or
  • qos_profile is NULL, or
  • qos_profile has invalid or unknown policies, or
  • memory allocation fails during service server creation, or
  • an unspecified error occurs

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Yes
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

Given node must be a valid node, as returned by rmw_create_node().
Given type_support must be a valid rosidl service type support, as returned by ROSIDL_GET_SRV_TYPE_SUPPORT().
[in]nodeNode with which to register this service server.
[in]type_supportType support of the service to be served.
[in]service_nameName of the service to be served, often a fully qualified service name unless qos_profile is configured to avoid ROS namespace conventions i.e. to create a native service server.
[in]qos_profileQoS policies for this service server's connections.
rmw service handle, or NULL if there was an error.

◆ rmw_destroy_service()

rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_service ( rmw_node_t node,
rmw_service_t service 

Destroy and unregister a service server from its node.

This function will reclaim all associated resources, including the service server itself. Use of a destroyed service server is undefined behavior. This function will return early if a logical error, such as RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT or RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION, ensues, leaving the given service server unchanged. Otherwise, it will proceed despite errors.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory No
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

Given node must be the one the service server was registered with.
Given service must be a valid service server, as returned by rmw_create_service().
[in]nodeNode with which the given service server is registered.
[in]serviceService server to be destroyed.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the node implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the service implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unspecified error occurs.

◆ rmw_take_request()

rmw_ret_t rmw_take_request ( const rmw_service_t service,
rmw_service_info_t request_header,
void *  ros_request,
bool *  taken 

Take an incoming ROS service request.

Take a ROS service request already received by the given service server, removing it from internal queues. The request header (i.e. its metadata), containing at least the writer guid and sequence number, is also retrieved. Both writer guid and sequence number allow callers to pair, for each remote service client, a ROS service request with its corresponding ROS service response, to be later sent using rmw_send_response().

This function will succeed even if no ROS service request was received, but taken will be false.

The same ROS service request cannot be taken twice. Callers do not have to deal with duplicates.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
Taking a ROS service request is a synchronous operation. It is also non-blocking, to the extent it will not wait for new ROS service requests to arrive, but it is not guaranteed to be lock-free. Generally speaking, implementations may synchronize access to internal resources using locks but are not allowed to wait for events with no guaranteed time bound (barring the effects of starvation due to OS scheduling).
Memory allocation
It is implementation defined whether memory will be allocated on take or not. For instance, implementations that deserialize ROS service requests received over the wire may need to perform additional memory allocations when dealing with unbounded (dynamically-sized) fields.
Service servers are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to take requests from the same service server concurrently. However:
  • Access to the given ROS service request is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write ros_request while rmw_take_request() uses it.
  • Access to the given ROS service request header is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write request_header while rmw_take_request() uses it.
  • Access to given primitive data-type arguments is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write taken while rmw_take_request() uses it.
Given service must be a valid service, as returned by rmw_create_service().
Given ros_request must be a valid service request, whose type matches the service type support registered with the service on creation.
Given ros_request will remain a valid service request. It will be left unchanged if this function fails early due to a logical error, such as an invalid argument, or in an unknown yet valid state if it fails due to a runtime error. It will also be left unchanged if this function succeeds but taken is false.
[in]serviceService server to take request from.
[out]request_headerService request header to write to.
[out]ros_requestType erased ROS service request to write to.
[out]takenBoolean flag indicating if a ROS service request was taken or not.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation fails, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if request_header is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if ros_request is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the service implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_send_response()

rmw_ret_t rmw_send_response ( const rmw_service_t service,
rmw_request_id_t request_header,
void *  ros_response 

Send a ROS service response.

Send a ROS service response to the service client, with matching QoS policies, from which the previously taken ROS service request was originally sent.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Runtime behavior
It is implementation defined whether sending a ROS service response is a synchronous or asynchronous, and blocking or non-blocking, operation. However, asynchronous implementations are not allowed to access the given ROS service request after this function returns. Check the implementation documentation to learn about request behavior.
Memory allocation
It is implementation defined whether memory will be allocated on send or not. For instance, implementations that serialize ROS service responses may need to perform additional memory allocations when dealing with unbounded (dynamically-sized) fields.
Service servers are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to send responses using the same service server concurrently. However:
  • Access to the given ROS service request header is read-only but it is not synchronized. Concurrent request_header reads are safe, but concurrent reads and writes are not.
  • Access to the given ROS service response is read-only but it is not synchronized. Concurrent ros_request reads are safe, but concurrent reads and writes are not.
Given service must be a valid service server, as returned by rmw_create_service().
Given request_header must be the one previously taken along with the ROS service request to which we reply.
Given ros_response must be a valid service response, whose type matches the service type support registered with the service on creation.
[in]clientService server to send a response with.
[in]request_headerService response header, same as the one taken with the corresponding ROS service request.
[in]ros_responseROS service response to be sent.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation fails, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if request_header is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if ros_response is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the service implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_create_guard_condition()

rmw_guard_condition_t* rmw_create_guard_condition ( rmw_context_t context)

Create a guard condition and return a handle to that guard condition.

This function can fail, and therefore return NULL, if:

  • context is NULL
  • context is invalid
  • memory allocation fails during guard condition creation
  • an unspecified error occurs

The context must be non-null and valid, i.e. it has been initialized by rmw_init() and has not been finalized by rmw_shutdown().

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Yes
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics No [1]
Lock-Free No [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

This should be defined by the rmw implementation.

[in]contextinit context that this node should be associated with
rmw guard condition handle or NULL if there was an error

◆ rmw_destroy_guard_condition()

rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_guard_condition ( rmw_guard_condition_t guard_condition)

Finalize a given guard condition handle, reclaim the resources, and deallocate the handle.

[in]guard_conditionthe guard condition handle to be destroyed
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if guard_condition is null, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unexpected error occurs.

◆ rmw_trigger_guard_condition()

rmw_ret_t rmw_trigger_guard_condition ( const rmw_guard_condition_t guard_condition)

◆ rmw_create_wait_set()

rmw_wait_set_t* rmw_create_wait_set ( rmw_context_t context,
size_t  max_conditions 

Create a wait set to store conditions that the middleware can wait on.

This function can fail, and therefore return NULL, if:

  • context is NULL
  • context is zero initialized, as provided by rmw_get_zero_initialized_context()
  • context does not belong to this implementation i.e. does not have a matching implementation identifier
  • memory allocation fails during wait set creation
  • an unspecified error occurs

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Yes
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

Contexts are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to create multiple wait sets in the same context concurrently.
Given context must be a valid context, initialized by rmw_init().
[in]contextContext to associate the wait set with.
[in]max_conditionsThe maximum number of conditions that can be attached to, and stored by, the wait set. Can be set to zero (0) for the wait set to support an unbounded number of conditions.
An rmw wait set, or NULL if an error occurred.

◆ rmw_destroy_wait_set()

rmw_ret_t rmw_destroy_wait_set ( rmw_wait_set_t wait_set)

Destroy a wait set.

This function will reclaim all associated resources, including the wait set. Use of a wait set after destruction is undefined behavior. This function will return early if a logical error, such as RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT or RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION, ensues, leaving the given wait set unchanged. Otherwise, it will proceed despite errors.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory No
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

Given wait_set must be a valid wait set, as returned by rmw_create_wait_set().
[in]wait_setWait set to be finalized.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the wait_set implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unspecified error occurs.

◆ rmw_wait()

rmw_ret_t rmw_wait ( rmw_subscriptions_t subscriptions,
rmw_guard_conditions_t guard_conditions,
rmw_services_t services,
rmw_clients_t clients,
rmw_events_t events,
rmw_wait_set_t wait_set,
const rmw_time_t wait_timeout 

Waits on sets of different entities and returns when one is ready.

This function adds middleware-specific conditions to the wait set and waits until one or more become ready, or until the timeout is reached.

Elapsed time is measured against the system clock. Timeout granularity is thus bound to that of the aforementioned clock and, depending on the underlying implementation, to that of platform-specific APIs to sleep and/or wait.
The amount of time this function actually waits may be either above or below the specified timeout.

Arrays contain type-erased, middleware-specific conditions associated with waitable entities, which this function casts and adds to the wait set. NULL entries in arrays prior to wait are considered invalid. When the wait is over, entries in each array that correspond to conditions that were not triggered are set to NULL.

Arrays' memory management is external to this function.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Maybe [1]
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] rmw implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

To wait is a reentrant procedure, but:
  • It is not safe to use the same wait set to wait in two or more threads concurrently.
  • It is not safe to wait for the same entity using different wait sets in two or more threads concurrently.
  • Access to the given timeout is read-only but it is not synchronized. Concurrent wait_timeout reads are safe, but concurrent reads and writes are not.
Given wait_set must be a valid wait set, as returned by rmw_create_wait_set().
All given entities must be associated with nodes that, in turn, were registered with the same context the given wait_set was registered with on creation.
[in,out]subscriptionsArray of subscriptions to wait on. Can be NULL if there are no subscriptions to wait on.
[in,out]guard_conditionsArray of guard conditions to wait on Can be NULL if there are no guard conditions to wait on.
[in,out]servicesArray of services to wait on. Can be NULL if there are no services to wait on.
[in,out]clientsArray of clients to wait on. Can be NULL if there are no clients to wait on.
[in,out]eventsArray of events to wait on. Can be NULL if there are no events to wait on.
[in]wait_setWait set to use for waiting.
[in]wait_timeoutIf NULL, block indefinitely until an entity becomes ready. If zero, do not block – check only for immediately available entities. Else, this represents the maximum amount of time to wait for an entity to become ready.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_TIMEOUT if wait timed out, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an array entry is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the wait_set implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unspecified error occurs.

◆ rmw_get_node_names()

rmw_ret_t rmw_get_node_names ( const rmw_node_t node,
rcutils_string_array_t node_names,
rcutils_string_array_t node_namespaces 

Return the name and namespace of all nodes in the ROS graph.

This function will return an array of node names and an array of node namespaces, as discovered so far by the given node. The two arrays represent name and namespace pairs for each discovered node. Both arrays will be the same length and the same index will refer to the same node.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Yes
Thread-Safe No
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

Runtime behavior
To query the ROS graph is a synchronous operation. It is also non-blocking, but it is not guaranteed to be lock-free. Generally speaking, implementations may synchronize access to internal resources using locks but are not allowed to wait for events with no guaranteed time bound (barring the effects of starvation due to OS scheduling).
Nodes are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to query the ROS graph using the same node concurrently. However, access to string arrays is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write node_names nor node_namespaces while rmw_get_node_names() uses them.
Given node must be a valid node handle, as returned by rmw_create_node().
Given node_names must be a valid string array, zero-initialized as returned by rcutils_get_zero_initialized_string_array().
Given node_namespaces must be a valid string array, zero-initialized as returned by rcutils_get_zero_initialized_string_array().
Given node_names and node_namespaces will remain valid arrays. These will be left unchanged if this function fails early due to a logical error, such as an invalid argument, or in an unknown yet valid state if it fails due to a runtime error.
[in]nodeNode to query the ROS graph.
[out]node_namesArray of discovered node names, populated on success. It is up to the caller to finalize this array later on, using rcutils_string_array_fini().
[out]node_namespacesArray of discovered node namespaces, populated on success. It is up to the caller to finalize this array later on, using rcutils_string_array_fini().
RMW_RET_OK if the query was successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if node_names is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if node_names is not a zero-initialized array, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if node_namespaces is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if node_namespaces is not a zero-initialized array, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the node implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation fails, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unspecified error occurs.

◆ rmw_get_node_names_with_enclaves()

rmw_ret_t rmw_get_node_names_with_enclaves ( const rmw_node_t node,
rcutils_string_array_t node_names,
rcutils_string_array_t node_namespaces,
rcutils_string_array_t enclaves 

Return the name, namespae, and enclave name of all nodes in the ROS graph.

This is similar to rmw_get_node_names(), but it also provides enclave names.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory Yes
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

Runtime behavior
To query the ROS graph is a synchronous operation. It is also non-blocking, but it is not guaranteed to be lock-free. Generally speaking, implementations may synchronize access to internal resources using locks but are not allowed to wait for events with no guaranteed time bound (barring the effects of starvation due to OS scheduling).
Nodes are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to query the ROS graph using the same node concurrently. However, access to string arrays is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write node_names, node_namespaces, nor enclaves while rmw_get_node_names_with_enclaves() uses them.
Given node must be a valid node handle, as returned by rmw_create_node().
Given node_names must be a valid string array, zero-initialized as returned by rcutils_get_zero_initialized_string_array().
Given node_namespaces must be a valid string array, zero-initialized as returned by rcutils_get_zero_initialized_string_array().
Given enclaves must be a zero-initialized string array, as returned by rcutils_get_zero_initialized_string_array().
Given node_names, node_namespaces, and enclaves will remain valid arrays. These will be left unchanged if this function fails early due to a logical error, such as an invalid argument, or in an unknown yet valid state if it fails due to a runtime error.
[in]nodeNode to query the ROS graph.
[out]node_namesArray of discovered node names, populated on success. It is up to the caller to finalize this array later on, using rcutils_string_array_fini().
[out]node_namespacesArray of discovered node namespaces, populated on success. It is up to the caller to finalize this array later on, using rcutils_string_array_fini().
[out]enclavesArray of discovered node enclave names, populated on success. It is up to the caller to finalize this array later on, using rcutils_string_array_fini().
RMW_RET_OK if the query was successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if node_names is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if node_names is not a zero-initialized array, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if node_namespaces is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if node_namespaces is not a zero-initialized array, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if enclaves is not a zero-initialized array, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the node implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation fails, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unspecified error occurs.

◆ rmw_count_publishers()

rmw_ret_t rmw_count_publishers ( const rmw_node_t node,
const char *  topic_name,
size_t *  count 

Count the number of known publishers matching a topic name.

This function returns the numbers of publishers of a given topic in the ROS graph, as discovered so far by the given node.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory No
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

Runtime behavior
To query the ROS graph is a synchronous operation. It is also non-blocking, but it is not guaranteed to be lock-free. Generally speaking, implementations may synchronize access to internal resources using locks but are not allowed to wait for events with no guaranteed time bound (barring the effects of starvation due to OS scheduling).
Nodes are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is to query the ROS graph using the same node concurrently. However, access to primitive data-type arguments is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write topic_name or count while rmw_count_publishers() uses them.
Given node must be a valid node handle, as returned by rmw_create_node().
[in]nodeHandle to node to use to query the ROS graph.
[in]topic_nameFully qualified ROS topic name.
[out]countNumber of publishers matching the given topic name.
RMW_RET_OK if the query was successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if topic_name is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if topic_name is not a fully qualified topic name, by rmw_validate_full_topic_name() definition, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the node implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unspecified error occurs.

◆ rmw_count_subscribers()

rmw_ret_t rmw_count_subscribers ( const rmw_node_t node,
const char *  topic_name,
size_t *  count 

Count the number of known subscribers matching a topic name.

This function returns the numbers of subscribers of a given topic in the ROS graph, as discovered so far by the given node.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory No
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check the implementation documentation

Runtime behavior
To query the ROS graph is a synchronous operation. It is also non-blocking, but it is not guaranteed to be lock-free. Generally speaking, implementations may synchronize access to internal resources using locks but are not allowed to wait for events with no guaranteed time bound (barring the effects of starvation due to OS scheduling).
Nodes are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is to query the ROS graph using the same node concurrently. However, access to primitive data-type arguments is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write topic_name or count while rmw_count_subscribers() uses them.
Given node must be a valid node handle, as returned by rmw_create_node().
[in]nodeHandle to node to use to query the ROS graph.
[in]topic_nameFully qualified ROS topic name.
[out]countNumber of subscribers matching the given topic name.
RMW_RET_OK if the query was successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if topic_name is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if topic_name is not a fully qualified topic name, by rmw_validate_full_topic_name() definition, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the node implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unspecified error occurs.

◆ rmw_get_gid_for_publisher()

rmw_ret_t rmw_get_gid_for_publisher ( const rmw_publisher_t publisher,
rmw_gid_t gid 

Get the unique identifier (gid) of a publisher.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory No
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Publishers are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for finalization. Therefore, it is safe to get the unique identifier from the same publisher concurrently. However, access to the gid is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write gid while rmw_get_gid_for_publisher() uses it.
Given publisher must be a valid subscription, as returned by rmw_create_publisher().
[in]publisherPublisher to get a gid from.
[out]gidPublisher's unique identifier, populated on success but left unchanged on failure.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the publisher implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unspecified error occurs.

◆ rmw_compare_gids_equal()

rmw_ret_t rmw_compare_gids_equal ( const rmw_gid_t gid1,
const rmw_gid_t gid2,
bool *  result 

Check if two unique identifiers (gids) are equal.

Attribute Adherence
Allocates Memory No
Thread-Safe Yes
Uses Atomics Maybe [1]
Lock-Free Maybe [1]

[1] implementation defined, check implementation documentation.

Unique identifier comparison is a reentrant function, but:
  • Access to both gids is read-only but it is not synchronized. Concurrent gid1 and gid2 reads are safe, but concurrent reads and writes are not.
  • Access to primitive data-type arguments is not synchronized. It is not safe to read or write result while rmw_compare_gids_equal() uses it.
[in]gid1First unique identifier to compare.
[in]gid2Second unique identifier to compare.
[out]booltrue if both gids are equal, false otherwise.
RMW_RET_OK if successful, or
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if gid1 or gid2 is NULL, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the implementation identifier of gid1 or gid2 does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unspecified error occurs.

◆ rmw_service_server_is_available()

rmw_ret_t rmw_service_server_is_available ( const rmw_node_t node,
const rmw_client_t client,
bool *  is_available 

Check if a service server is available for the given service client.

This function will return true for is_available if there is a service server available for the given client.

The node parameter must not be NULL, and must point to a valid node.

The client parameter must not be NULL, and must point to a valid client.

The given client and node must match, i.e. the client must have been created using the given node.

The is_available parameter must not be NULL, and must point to a bool variable. The result of the check will be stored in the is_available parameter.

This function does manipulate heap memory. This function is not thread-safe. This function is lock-free.

[in]nodethe handle to the node being used to query the ROS graph
[in]clientthe handle to the service client being queried
[out]is_availableset to true if there is a service server available, else false
RMW_RET_OK if node the check was made successfully, or
RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION if the publisher implementation identifier does not match this implementation, or
RMW_RET_ERROR if an unspecified error occurs.

◆ rmw_set_log_severity()

rmw_ret_t rmw_set_log_severity ( rmw_log_severity_t  severity)

Set the current log severity.

[in]severityThe log severity to set
RMW_RET_OK if successful, otherwise an appropriate error code