visualization_msgs/msg/InteractiveMarker Message

File: visualization_msgs/msg/InteractiveMarker.msg

Raw Message Definition

# Time/frame info.

# If header.time is set to 0, the marker will be retransformed into

# its frame on each timestep. You will receive the pose feedback

# in the same frame.

# Otherwise, you might receive feedback in a different frame.

# For rviz, this will be the current 'fixed frame' set by the user.

std_msgs/Header header

# Initial pose. Also, defines the pivot point for rotations.

geometry_msgs/Pose pose

# Identifying string. Must be globally unique in

# the topic that this message is sent through.

string name

# Short description (< 40 characters).

string description

# Scale to be used for default controls (default=1).

float32 scale

# All menu and submenu entries associated with this marker.

MenuEntry[] menu_entries

# List of controls displayed for this marker.

InteractiveMarkerControl[] controls

Compact Message Definition