class | EventNotRegisteredError |
| Thrown when an unregistered rclcpp::Event is encountered where a registered one was expected. More...
class | InvalidEventError |
| Thrown when an invalid rclcpp::Event object or SharedPtr is encountered. More...
class | InvalidNamespaceError |
| Thrown when a node namespace is invalid. More...
class | InvalidNodeError |
| Thrown when a method is trying to use a node, but it is invalid. More...
class | InvalidNodeNameError |
| Thrown when a node name is invalid. More...
class | InvalidParametersException |
| Thrown if passed parameters are inconsistent or invalid. More...
class | InvalidParameterValueException |
| Throwing if passed parameter value is invalid. More...
class | InvalidServiceNameError |
| Thrown when a service name is invalid. More...
class | InvalidTopicNameError |
| Thrown when a topic name is invalid. More...
class | NameValidationError |
| Thrown when a any kind of name (node, namespace, topic, etc.) is invalid. More...
class | RCLBadAlloc |
| Created when the ret is RCL_RET_BAD_ALLOC. More...
class | RCLError |
| Created when the return code does not match one of the other specialized exceptions. More...
class | RCLErrorBase |
class | RCLInvalidArgument |
| Created when the ret is RCL_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT. More...