composition_interfaces/srv/LoadNode Service

File: composition_interfaces/srv/LoadNode.msg

Raw Message Definition

# The ROS package in which the composable node can be found.

string package_name

# A plugin within the ROS package "package_name".

string plugin_name

# The assigned name of the composable node. Leave empty to use the node's

# default name.

string node_name

# The assigned namespace of the composable node. Leave empty to use the node's

# default namespace.

string node_namespace

# The assigned log level of the composable node. Enum values are found in

# message rcl_interfaces/Log.

uint8 log_level

# Remapping rules for this composable node.


# For more info about static_remapping rules and their syntax, see


# TODO(sloretz) rcl_interfaces message for remap rules?

string[] remap_rules

# The Parameters of this composable node to set.

rcl_interfaces/Parameter[] parameters

# key/value arguments that are specific to a type of container process.

rcl_interfaces/Parameter[] extra_arguments
# True if the node was successfully loaded.

bool success

# Human readable error message if success is false, else empty string.

string error_message

# Name of the loaded composable node (including namespace).

string full_node_name

# A unique identifier for the loaded node.

uint64 unique_id

Compact Message Definition

boolean success
string error_message
string full_node_name
uint64 unique_id

string package_name
string plugin_name
string node_name
string node_namespace
uint8 log_level
string[] remap_rules
rcl_interfaces/msg/Parameter[] parameters
rcl_interfaces/msg/Parameter[] extra_arguments