sensor_msgs/msg/ChannelFloat32 Message

File: sensor_msgs/msg/ChannelFloat32.msg

Raw Message Definition

# This message is used by the PointCloud message to hold optional data

# associated with each point in the cloud. The length of the values

# array should be the same as the length of the points array in the

# PointCloud, and each value should be associated with the corresponding

# point.


# Channel names in existing practice include:

# "u", "v" - row and column (respectively) in the left stereo image.

# This is opposite to usual conventions but remains for

# historical reasons. The newer PointCloud2 message has no

# such problem.

# "rgb" - For point clouds produced by color stereo cameras. uint8

# (R,G,B) values packed into the least significant 24 bits,

# in order.

# "intensity" - laser or pixel intensity.

# "distance"

# The channel name should give semantics of the channel (e.g.

# "intensity" instead of "value").

string name

# The values array should be 1-1 with the elements of the associated

# PointCloud.

float32[] values

Compact Message Definition

string name
float[] values