diagnostic_msgs/srv/AddDiagnostics Service

File: diagnostic_msgs/srv/AddDiagnostics.msg

Raw Message Definition

# This service is used as part of the process for loading analyzers at runtime,

# and should be used by a loader script or program, not as a standalone service.

# Information about dynamic addition of analyzers can be found at

# http://wiki.ros.org/diagnostics/Tutorials/Adding%20Analyzers%20at%20Runtime

# The load_namespace parameter defines the namespace where parameters for the

# initialization of analyzers in the diagnostic aggregator have been loaded. The

# value should be a global name (i.e. /my/name/space), not a relative

# (my/name/space) or private (~my/name/space) name. Analyzers will not be added

# if a non-global name is used. The call will also fail if the namespace

# contains parameters that follow a namespace structure that does not conform to

# that expected by the analyzer definitions. See

# http://wiki.ros.org/diagnostics/Tutorials/Configuring%20Diagnostic%20Aggregators

# and http://wiki.ros.org/diagnostics/Tutorials/Using%20the%20GenericAnalyzer

# for examples of the structure of yaml files which are expected to have been

# loaded into the namespace.

string load_namespace

# True if diagnostic aggregator was updated with new diagnostics, False

# otherwise. A false return value means that either there is a bond in the

# aggregator which already used the requested namespace, or the initialization

# of analyzers failed.

bool success

# Message with additional information about the success or failure

string message

Compact Message Definition

boolean success
string message

string load_namespace